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Chapter 32 - A First Kiss...And then some...

Zac smiled broadly. "I'm so glad that you're back Aurora," he said happily.

"But Zac," she objected, "I never went anywhere, I was always right here."

"Well, to me you weren't here. You were somewhere else," Zac waved his hand, motioning 'somewhere else.' He continued, "It was like your body was here, but you weren't," his smile faded.

"I know Zac," she sighed, "but I was here."

Zac's smile reappeared. Suddenly Zac blushed.

"Why're you so red all of a sudden?" Aurora inquired.

"I--I was just wondering, if I could, maybe, um," Zac stuttered.

"Kiss me again?" Aurora giggled. Zac nodded, and leaned down. "Of course," she leaned in, stopped about an inch away from his face, and stared deep into his caramel-brown eyes. In unison, they both closed their eyes and tilted their heads in, and gently kissed eachother.

Then Aurora surprised Zac. Zac's eyes popped open when he felt Aurora's tongue in his mouth. It's okay, it's okay, it's just a French kiss, he calmed himself down and shut his eyes again, concentrating on what her tongue felt like inside his mouth.

Zac felt daring. He slipped his tongue into her mouth, and was actually very proud of doing so. When they parted, Aurora smiled.

"Was that your first real kiss?" she asked.

Zac thought about telling her that it wasn't, otherwise she'd think he was immature, but instead he slowly nodded his head, and looked away.

Aurora slipped her hand into his and intwined her fingers with Zac's. "It's okay, it was my first real kiss too," she told him quietly.

Zac's head shot up in surprise. He had figured that she had already kiss lots of guys. Aurora looked up at him shyly. "I always figured that you had kissed tons of girls, since you're famous and all..." she said.

"Well that's not true, you're my first real kiss," he told her.

"And mine," she said.

"And, I was hoping, that you'd be my girlfriend too?" He boldly asked, hopefully.

"Yeah, Zac, I will, but on one condition..." she said.

"What's that?" Zac asked curiously.

If you'll be my boyfriend," she smiled.

Zac only responded by gently kissing her lips.



I knocked on the Hanson's door. Avery answered.

"Hi Alex!" She said cheerfully.

"Hey Avie! Do you want a piggy-back ride?"

"Yeah!" She replied happily.

I squatted down while Avery climbed onto my back. I ran into the house, with Avie bouncing up and down on my back, laughing. I paused while Mackie tugged on my leg.

"Yeah Mac?" I asked, smiling.

"I want a ride too! It's my turn!" He begged.

"But it's my turn now!" Avie pouted.

"Oh, I think I can help," Jenn said, appearing in the doorway. She made her way to Mackie and threw him over her shoulder. She spun him around, while he screamed with delight.

"Will you stay and play with us, then go see Ikey and Tay?" Avie asked, with hope shining in her eyes.

Jenn and I nodded and grinned. But I excused myself to go to the bathroom, promising to return to play Barbies with Avery. I went down the hall the the bathroom, but stopped when I heard voices. I heard Ike and Tay talking in their room. The door was open a crack, so I paused to listen.

"I really love Alex," I heard Taylor say. I smiled. "But..." But what? I frowned. "I..." he continued, "I miss Emily so much, I know I'll never stop loving her." You could've knocked me over with a feather. When I got over the first shock, the anger came, and my hand was clenched in a fist.

"She was my first everything Ike," Taylor said, "my first kiss, first date, first girlfriend, and well she was...the first I ever slept with." My eyes welled up in tears. I didn't stop to hear Ike's response. I went downstairs, dried my eyes, and forced myself to concentrate on my game of Barbies with Avie.

Jenn was sitting on the couch watching TV with Mac. I caught her eye. What's wrong? She mouthed. Everything. I mouthed back. She thought that I had 'said' nothing, so she turned her attention back to the TV.

This is my problem, I didn't have to bother her with is. Besides, I still wasn't that comfortable talking to her since she and Tay kissed.

All The Way To Albertane
You Are My Hope
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