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Chapter 30 - It was an accident


I looked at Alex, her head was resting on my chest. I played with her hair and ran my fingers down her bare back.

"Taylor," she sighed.

Then I asked her the questing that had been burning inside me: "How was I?"

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"I WAS I?" I explained, trying to be subtle, when inside I was extremely curious.

"Oh, I get it," she giggled. " were unbelievable."

I couldn't tell if she was joking or not, so I just took her word for it. "Really?" I asked, pleased.

"Yeah, really," she told me.



I heard voices outside. Adult voices. Tay and I jumped out of the bed, struggling to put our clothes on.

"Hurry! Out the window!" Tay whispered fiercely. I scrambled down the ladder, then jumping the last few feet, I landed on my ankle wrong, wincing in pain. Taylor came down after me.

"We've got to go, come on lean on me," he said. I leaned on him and we managed to walk as fast as we could like that. In the front yard, we met Ike, Jenn, and Zac.

"Where the hell were you guys?" asked Ike.

"I think I know where they were," Zac said, grinning. Jenn gave me a look.

"Come on, let's get out of here, Amber's parents are home," Jenn said.

"No kidding," Tay said sarcastically.

"But really, we've got to go NOW," Ike said, "When her parents came home they threatened to call the police and everyone's parents if the house wasn't empty in the next 30 seconds. You should've seen how fast we got out of there!"

I noticed that Ike's shirt was buttoned wrong, his fly was undone, and his shoes weren't tied. Jenn's shirt was on backwards, her hair was messed up, and she was missing a sock. It seemed that they had been up to the same thing Tay and I had been doing.

The five of us piled into Ike's car and drove away in a rush.


Zac stared out the window. He was disgusted with his brothers. They had both been upstairs having sex with their girlfriends, while he was stuck downstairs with a bunch of drunk teens, checking out the chips and dip.

Suddenly he spotted something on the side of the road. "IKE!!" he screamed, "pull over!" Ike, hearing the urgency in his voice, pulled over right away. Zac jumped out of the car and ran to the curb.

It can't be it can't be it can't no no... Zac thought rapidly.

It was.

"OH MY GOD!" he yelled, "Aurora!"



Why did he yell my name? What's wrong? Why can't I talk? Zac? Zac is that you? Where am I? Please tell me what's wrong! Are you crying? Zac, don't cry! Please...oh my God! I'm...I'm in a hospital aren't I? I can hear the doctors...

What happened? I remember it was him wasn't it? He chased me out of the house...he...he hit me so hard, too hard. And I fell, I remember falling...hitting my head on the sidewalk. It was my step-dad, Steve. He was drunk...I didn't make dinner...he got so mad! Oh God, why won't I wake up? Why can't I move? Zac please help me!


Zac sat beside Aurora, clutching her hand. "Come on Aurora...squeeze my hand...come can do it, just let me know that you can hear me, just one little squeeze..." Zac didn't know how hard Aurora was trying.

Aurora's mother sat on the other side of her daughter, sobbing. Her arm was in a sling, and she had a black eye, a bloody nose, and her back was speckled with dark bruises. Her husband Steve had been hitting her, then he turned on Aurora.

She tried to stop him, but he was too strong. It was no use. Now look where they were. Steve was arrested, she was badly injureed, and her daughter was ina a coma with some strange boy at her side, crying.

There was a knock on the door. Zac looked up to see Jenn, Alex, Ike, and Tay walk in. "We called your parents Zac," said Jenn quietly, "are you okay?"

"Yeah, are you okay?" asked Ike.

Zac wiped away the tear that was rolling down his cheek, smearing it across his face. "I don't think you should be worried about me," he told them, "I think you whould be worried about..." He looked at Aurora.

Everyone's eyes fell upon the young girl in the white hospital bed, entangled in tubes and machines, with her eyes closed. It looked like she was sleeping, like she's wake up and minute. She looked so peaceful, like she was dreaming. Any minute she'd wake up...any minute...

"Come on," said Taylor, "let's talk to her...remember, she can hear us."

Everybody started saying positive things to the still, silent body, despite the sadness and helplessness that they were feeling.

Let her wake up, let her wake up, please, let her wake up... was what repeated through the minds of six people in the room.

But the seventh, the quietest one thought, I can hear you, but why won't I wake up?

All The Way To Albertane
You Are My Hope
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