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Lawyers Division

          FEBRUARY 1999
15     Chicago                Steve Chapman, Chicago Tribune:  "U.S.
China Policy"
16     New York City & Lit PG Y2k Program
19     San Francisco          Judge Edith Jones, 7th Circuit
25     Atlanta                Virginia Postrel, Reason Foundation26   

Milwaukee              Judge David sentelle (USCA DC):  Lopez
26     Milwaukee              Judge David Sentelle (USCA DC):  Lopez
26     Raleigh                Jacob Sullum, Reason Magazine
          MARCH 1999
8      Miami                  Congressman Charles Canady
22     St. Louis              Prof. Eugen Volokh, UCLA: "Free Speech &
24     Louisville             Judge Danny Boggs (USCA 6):  "Campaign
Finance Law"
26     Rel. Lib PG            School Choice Conference (Toledo)
30     Atlanta                Encyrption Program
          APRIL 1999
20      Milwaukee             Dr. Abigail Thernstrom, Manhattan
Institute: "Affirmative Action"
          MAY 1999
22      Salt Lake City        Hon. Ediwn Meese, Heritage Foundation
          JUNE 1999
22      Litigation PG         Rise of State Attorney General
Litigation Conference (DC)

Student Division

    FEBRUARY 1999
16      Miami                  Richard Willard, Esq., et alia (TBA),
"Race, Gender
                               and Jury Selection:  From Venire to
Voir Dire"
16      Quinnipiac             Larry Kudlow, National Review, the need
for economic stability for
                               economic growth-speech
16      William & Mary         Prof. John Lott, Chicago, vs. TBA,
"More Guns, Less Crime"
16      UCLA                   Roger Pilon, Cato, vs TBA, "Is Judicial
Restraint the Proper Response to
                               Judicial Activism?"--speech
w/commentary by Prof Karl Manheim
16      Cornell                Solveig Singleton, Cato, topic
16      Capital                Prof. David N. Mayer, Capital, Prof.
Brian Freeman, Capital, Prof. Susan
                               Looper-Freidman, capital, et alia,
"Amistad: Reflections for John Quincy Adams Day"
17      Virginia               Clint Bolick, Institute for Justice,
Prof. James Ryan, Virginia, Prof. Amy Wax, Virginia,
                               school choice and urban
entrepreneurship,-panel discussion
17      Stanford               Rep. Tom Campbell, international law
17      USC                    Roger Pilon, Cato, vs. TBA, property
rights and regulatory takings-debate
17      George Mason           former U.S. Attorney General Edwin
Meese, III, topic TBA--speech
18      Stanford               Kathy Young, Reason, vs. TBA, sexual
18      Suffolk                Dr. Abigail Thernstrom, Manhattan
Institute and Michael McLauglin, Esq. vs.
                               Charles Walker, Commissioner,
Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination and
                               Ellen Messing, Esq., "The Future of
affirmative Action, art II"
18      Texas                  Prof. John Lott, Chicago, vs. TBA, 2nd
18      Capital                Prof. David N. Mayer, Capital, "The
Constitutional Thoughts of Thomas Jeffers"            
22      Harvard                Prof. Volokh vs Prof. Dershowitz
22      Boston U.              Prof. Eugene Volokh, UCLA, vs. Prof.
Alan Dershowitz, Harvard
22      Oklahoma               Clint Bolick vs TBA, school choice
22      Pepperdine             Doug Bandow, Cato, "The Politics and
Law of Environmentalism"
22      San Diego              Roger Pilon, Cato, vs. Prof. Simmons,
San Diego, property rights and environmental protection
22      Miami                  Property Rights and the Constitution--A
Colloquium on Takings--Part One:
                               The Florida Perspective--Law and
Legislation:  An Update on Case Law and the
                               Private Property Rights Protections Act
23      Indiana-Bloomington    Clint Bolick, school vouchers
24      Illinois               Clint Bolick Instiute for Justice
24      San Diego              Doug Bandow, Cato, "The Role of
Religion in Public Life"
24      Missouri-Kansas City   Hon. Pasco Bowman, USCA 8th--speech
25      Yale                   Hon. James Loken, USCA 8th judicial
25      Nebraska               Clint Bolick, Institute of Justice, vs
TBA, ACLU, school vouchers
25      Rutgers-Newark         Roger Clegg, Center for Equal
Opportunity, affirmative action
      MARCH 1999                            
1       USC                    2nd Annual Symposium on Principles of
1       Cincinnati             Rep. Steve Chabot, Congressional
legislative update
2       UCLA                   Hon. Laurence Silberman, USCA DC,
reflections on Watergate
4       Stanford               Prof. Richard Epstein, Chicago, vs.
4       Cornell                Prof. Abigail Thernstrom, Manhattan
Institute, affirmative action
8       Illinois               Dinesh D'Souza, AEI vs. Prof. Woo,
Howard University, affirmative action
11      Arizona                Prof. Barnett, Boston, 2nd Amendment
11      Arizona State          Prof. Randy Barnett vs. Prof. Bender,
Arizona State, 2nd Amendment
14      Chicago                Kathy Young, Reason Foundation, vs.
TBA, sexual harassment law
                               and feminist jurisprudence
15      Michigan State         Kathy Young, Reason Foundation, sexual
22      Washington-St. Louis   Prof. Volokoh, the internet--panel
24      South Carolina         Hon. Loren Smith, U.S. Court of Federal
25      Michigan               Kathy Young, Reason, vs. TBA, "Beyond
the Gender Wars"
25      Texas                  Hon. Will Garwood, USCA 5th Circuit,
judicial independence
25      Rutgers-Newark         school choice debate
26      Miami                  Property Rights and the Consitution--A
colloquium on
                               Takings--Part Two:  The National
Perspective-Law and Legislation:
                               Supreme Court Action and Congressional
30      Suffolk                Dr. Michael Greve, Center for
Individual Rights, vs. TBA, sexual harassment-debate
30      Washington & Lee       Roger Clegg, Center for Equal
Opportunity, affirmative action
31      Tennessee              Roger Clegg, Center for Equal

      APRIL 1999                             
1       Yale                   Prof. BeVier, UVA, vs. TBA, encryption
technology and law enforcement
1       Pennsylvania           Lillian BeVier, UVA
1       Indiana-Bloomington    Hon. Alex Kozinski, USCA 9th
1       Stanford               Prof. Enrique Barros, Prof. Elizabeth
4       Cornell                Dr. Abigal Thernstrom, Manhattan
Institute, Prof. Stephen Thernstrom,
                               Harvard, affirmative action
5       Miami                  "The Future of Puerto Rico:  Statehood,
                               Commonwealth, or the status Quo"--panel
5       Washington-St. Louis   David Boaz, Executive Vice President,
6       Chicago                Judge Alice M. Batchelder, USCA, 6th
8       Michigan               Prof. Amar, Yale vs. Prof. Kamisar,
Michigan, the
                               exclusionary rule--debate
9       Texas                  Hon. Ediwn Meese, III
9-10    Chicago                18th Annual Student Symposium
12      Cincinnati             Hon. David Nelson, USCA 6th, topic
13      Vanderbilt             Attorney General Bill Pryor (Alabama),
vs TBA
                               gun manufacturers' liability litigation
14/15   Chicago-Kent           Kathy Young, Reason Foundation, vs.
TBA, feminist jurisprudence and gender politics--debate
15      Northwestern           Kathy Young,Reason Foundation, vs. TBA
feminism and the law
15      Oklahoma City          Prof. John Baker, LSU, vs TBA,
federalization of state crime
15      Washington-St. Louis   David Boz, Execuitve Vice President,
29      Texas                  Hon. Alex Kozinski, USCA 9th
      MAY 1999                               
5       Chicago                Dr. Wendy Lee Gramm, Center for the
Study of Public
                               Choice, George Mason U., vs. TBA,