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Anime wrestling.- Well, I don't know if it is the name of this game, as it is in japanese, but I guess this is how most people know it... This is probably my favorite wrestling gama, it is very fun and enjoyable even without understanding the language.This is a female wrestling simulation game, produced by Kss (Japan) for the Superfamicom (the equivalent to Supernes)

The Good: It has quite a lot wrestlers, about 64, from rookies teenagers to damisels of destruction... A lot of moves as well: STF, DDT, Powerbombs, Piledrivers, Moonsaults (to the outside of the ring), Planchas, etc. And of course, most of the wrestlers are pretty anime girls.

The Bad: It is not really bad, it is only different, rather than being a sports simulation, this is like a strategy game, your goal is to train a girl into becoming a succesfull wrestler, but you have very little, almost inexistent control over the actual matches.

The Ugly: Sometimes, a foreing object will be used and may end up having one of the ladies bleeding... do not expect it to be too graphic, this is a cute game!

Graphics.- The non fight cinemas are cool, during the game, your wrestler meets friends and foes, and all of them are in anime style, in the down side, the fight graphics are good, but the wrestlers can only be diferenced by the color on their costumes and hair color and lenght, as they are all basicaly the same, a 48 kg girl looks the same size of a 110 kg monster...

Gameplay .-The game has several options, you can have exibition match, tourney, a part that makes you be the owner of a promotion, or 'the road to the championship'. In the last one, you chose one from 5 girls (16 to 19) and start training her, you chose what to do each day of the week (exept for Saturdays, the day of the match, and if you lose, Sundays wont be available), weightlifting, learning moves, running, etc.

Sounds.- OK, nothing really bad, but nothing outstanding either.

Fun.- Really fun, the cinemas are cool, and because I can not undertand what they're saying, I guess the women are feuding or forming alliances, imagination plays a big role here, I can almost hear my wrestler say "and that's the bottom line because Mighty Yukiko said so." Even if you can not control the in ring action, it is still good, I mean, is almost as good as seeing a match in tv.

By the way, another game, supefamicom game 'Superwrestling Angels'(?) is very similar to 'Anime Wrestling', but SWA is a Imageneer product, in SWA you have a little more of control over the matches, and the figths are more cinematic, some of the characters from SWA are also in Anime wrestling...