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AAA from Toluca, Edo. Mex. and Pachuca, Hidalgo.-

*** Alda Moreno, Tifany and Fabi Apache vs Lady Metal, La Chola and Martha Villalobos.-

-- The rudas team takes over using gang tactics, they go two or three on one, and use Villalobo's (big) weight advantage to manhandle the tecnicas, Alda dodges missile kicks from Metal, who connects on La Chola, and the tecnicas made the comeback, they brawl a little, then go to do some comedy spots, Tifany lifts Chola on her shoulders but Alda and Fabi missed the Doomsday device, they all hit dropkicks on Martha, who takes a while to go down. Lady Metal reverses a whip from Tifany, then hits dropkicks, the tecnica ends on the floor, Metal goes to the apron to hit a somersault plancha, Alda comes next hitting her somersault senton!! La Chola goes to the top turnbuckle to do a drop plancha, Fabi goes to the top as well, but she performs a Tornillo!! Finally, Martha Villalobos hits a plancha from the apron on all the ladies. The tecnicas and Villalobos made it back to the ring, the tecnicas bum rush on Martha, but Fabi hits missile kicks on Tifany and the rudas enter to support her partner, Chola hits a backdrop on Tifany, Lady Metal uses a submission hold to beat Fabi, Alda goes for a somersault flip, but Martha sits on her to get the 3 count and the match!! Tifany and Fabi traded some slaps at the end, and it looks as if Tifany has turned ruda now.

*** Vipers Extreme: Abismo Negro, El Kuervo, Shiba and Electro Shock vs Vipers First Class: Cibernetico, Maniaco, Hysteria and Psychosis (AAA(.-

1.- Brawling. Vipers Extreme get the better of it at first. Soon, Electro Shock hits the frankensteiner and Abismo delivers the (lands on leg) frog splash. El Kuervo nails Maniaco with a tornado DDT! Shiba and Abismo Negro hit over the top rope pescado planchas on Hysteria and Maniaco, the referees start doing the counts, but Cibernetico comes from behind with a ladder which he used to attack both Tropicasas and Tirantes!! Psychosis fouls Electro Shock and covers to get the fall.

2.- Vipers First Class continue the beat down, they use some ladder spots to punish 'los Extreme'. The LLL guys go ahead a little longer until they try 'la carreta' on Kuervo, this gives Abismo Negro the chance to dropkick Psychosis and launch the comeback, AAA' Vipers brawl a while, then things cool somewhat, Psychosis hits a shoulderblock on Abismo then dropkicks to send him out of the ring, Psychosis uses an over the top diving tope!! Shiba delivers heel kick on Cibernetico, who ends on the floor to be decked by a through the ropes tope suicida!! Kuervo and Electro Shock are somersaulted flip by Maniaco and Hysteria, but AAA guys block by grabbing the rope, but Miss Janeth throws powder to their eyes and they got pinned, ending this match in straight falls!!

*** Hair Match: Oscar Sevilla 'El Novillero' (w/ Niņo de la Calle) vs R-15 (w/ El Apache).-

1.- R-15 jumps at Sevilla while Apache does same with Niņo, R-15 slaps Sevilla to death all over the place, Sevilla reacts reversing a whip and delivers a powerslam, goes to the top but falls on the rudo's knees, R-15 also misses his plancha attempt, but Apache trips Sevilla down and the rudo performs a double armbar hold to force the tecnico to submit!! 2.- R-15 continues the beating, Apache goes to the apron to hold Sevilla, who moves out of the way causing Apache to receive the rudo's dropkicks, Niņo goes to the top turnbuckle to nail Apache with a plancha! R-15 also goes to the floor, 'El Novillero' baseball slides and dropkicks him, R-15 goes over to the crowd, Sevilla goes to the top to hit a plancha to the crowd area!! They made it back to the ring, and Sevilla uses a reverse Gory Special like hold to take the fall.

3.- Sevilla bodyslams R-15 and hits an elbow drop, Sevilla is juicing since the second fall... The tecnico with another bodyslam and goes to the top turnbuckle, but Apache slaps him out from it, R-15 takes advantage and starts punishing Sevilla while Apache beats Niņo out of the ring, he even ends up tied to the top turnbuckle! Next, Apache takes some time to slap Sevilla a while, the rudo whips Sevilla to a corner and hits a splash, he whips back again, but Sevilla goes out in a near cornerpost tope suicida to nail Apache!! Back in the ring, R-15 hits missile kicks, he goes to the top again, but Sevilla gets there to performs a corner suplex, in the mat, Sevilla applied a leglock submission hold to take the fall, match and R-15's hair!! This had no near falls so the drama was not that good (not that I didn't know who was going to win anyway), but the seconds getting into the match made this OK.

*** Heavy Metal, Parka jr and Latin Lover vs Hijo del Espectro, El Texano and El Cobarde.- (From Pachuca) .-

1.- Nothing to write home about this fall, Parka jr soon get his mask shredded to pieces and shows some blood, he is unable to defend himself, so the referees call for the 'exceso de rudeza'. 2.- More of the same, but this time, the rudos pin the tecnicos. 3.- Things don't change that much, eventually, the tecnicos react and there is little wrestling till another DQ is declared and the tecnicos win.

CMLL from Arena Coliseo (1) and Arena Mexico.-

*** Astro Rey Jr vs Valentin Mayo.- For the National Welterweight title.

1.- They show about a minute of this, with Astro Rey jr getting the pin. 2.- Astro starts hitting some armdrags and stuff, Mayo reacts with some half powerbombs and bodyslams, goes to the top turnbuckle and hits a plancha to get the fall. 3.- Mayo on control, he does a fireman carry slam and goes to the top, Astro goes there but gets pushed to the outside of the ring, Mayo hits a plancha on the tecnico, they made it back to the ring, Mayo tried to suplex Astro into the ring, but the tecnico blocked lots of attempts, then slammed the rudo's face to the top turnbuckle, Astro to the top but gets armdraged down, however, Mayo misses another plancha, Astro goes to the top to deliver a moonsault, Valentin rolls away but Astro Rey lands on his feet, Astro uses 'la cerrajera' to force Mayo to quit and retain the title.

*** Infernales 99 vs Olimpico, Tony Rivera and Super Astro.-

1.- Olimpico runs to the ring but gets overwhelmed by los Infernales, then thrown out, Tony comes next and is also punished and sent to join his partner, they triple team on Super Astro, soon getting the pin. Bucanero delivers reverse powerbomb (faceslam) on Tony and the Infernales gang up to a submission hold to win this fall. 2.- Infernales go three on one on Olimpico, then Super Astro gets some of that. Tony reacts by dodging double clotheslines from Bucanero and Ultimo Guerrero, making them to connect on Satanico, who leaves the ring, Super Astro comes to hit his spots, Olimpico nails both rudos with top rope springboard missile kicks, the rudos end on the floor, Super Astro teases delivering a tope on them but then goes with a tope suicida on Satanico!! Olimpico performs an over the top rope somersault plancha while Tony hits a tope suicida. The rudos get counted out. 3.- Both teams go back and forth, they trade some pin or submission attempts for a while, this last a couple of minutes until the rudos have enough and start slapping everyone on sight, the tecnicos react and also start slapping the rudos, mainly Satanico, the rudos take Olimpico to the access ramp and beat him there, in the ring, Super Astro and Tony do short work of Satanico, but the referees are out checking on Olimpico, Satanico fakes a foul and the referees bought that, giving the match to los Infernales 99 by DQ.

*** Emilio Charles jr, Brazo de Plata and Tarzan Boy vs Apolo Dantes, Mascara Aņo 2000 and Universo 2000.-

1.- Usual Dinamitas stuff with the usual reaction from the tecnicos, at the end, Porky hits a plancha on all the rudos ( of course, they look too dumb getting in position for that). 2.- Rudos re-establish the brawling, Brazo de Plata made the comeback with some gutshots, Charles dropkicks Mascara Aņo 2000 out of the ring, but then Universo sent Charles to the floor, Universo goes for the tope suicida but hits his brother!!! Tarzan also nails Mascara with a tornillo, Porky hits the sit-down splash on Apolo but refuses to get the 3 count, Apolo low kicks Brazo de Plata to earn the DQ. Pierroth gets to the ring to cause more mayhem.

*** Scorpio jr, Cien Caras and Shocker vs Mr Niebla, Tinieblas jr and Rayo de Jalisco jr.-

1.- Kick, punch, slap, chop, repeat. Rudos take the fall by total blowout. 2.- Reaction out of nowhere, the tecnicos win the fall. 3.- The brawling stops, but the match doesn't pick up, Shocker delivers his over the top back body drop plancha on Mr Niebla and Tinieblas jr hits a side plancha from the top turnbuckle to the floor on Scorpio jr, but that's about it, Universo 2000 comes out, Rayo puts Cien Caras into 'martinete' position, Shocker takes Rayo's mask off, they pin Rayo de Jalisco to end the match.