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Besides the CMLL-AAA shows, you can look at Guerra de Naciones ppv recap and a special AAA TV taping report!!!

AAA from Guadalajara Jalisco.-

*** Apache, Cementerio and Ratas I and II vs Oscar Sevilla, Niņo de la Calle and Chivas I and II.-

1.- Rudo 'beat them up', the tecnicos could never do anything, Apache hits a plancha on one of the Chivas and is assisted by everyone to get the 3 count, the other Chiva gets missile kicked by one of the Ratas and all the rudos pile up on him to get the pin and end the fall. 2.- The brawling goes on, Sevilla and Niņo react hitting two of the rudos and making them go out of the ring, Sevilla delivers a tope suicida, but at the last moment, the camera switched to a crowd shot, ?!?!?"#%&$!!!! Apache assist Niņo to do a high back body drop over the top plancha on Cementerio, Chiva ? sent Apache and a Rata out of the ring with double armdrag, so the Chivas could deliver their crossdives: one of the Chivas went to the top turnbuckle and delivered plancha while the other did a tope suicida, they have not coordinated that move, but if they get that right, it would look extra cool. Tecnicos take the fall by countout.

3.- Tecnico brawling, which leads on to more highspots, one of the Chivas assists Niņo to an over the top... something, it was not a back body drop plancha, maybe it was intended to be a pescado but Niņo dived too much and nearly fell on his head, luckly for him, Cementerio is quite big and could catch him all right, Chiva then went to hit a tope suicida (more like a plancha) on both of the guys... Rata I? nailed Chiva with another suicida, in the ring, Rata II and Apache teamed up on the other Chiva guy, but the Rata got dropkicked out of the ring by Apache, so the Chiva could deliver a good top turnbuckle moonsault twisted into senton and connected the move with a near cornerpost tope suicida!!! (Sadly, more poor camera work there). Sevilla and Apache were left at the ring, the fought and went to the floor, Billy Boy, from the Spice Boys came out and helped Niņo and Sevilla to beat Apache, who bladed himself... the rudos won by DQ.

*** Miss Janeth, la Venus and la Chola Diabolica vs Alda, Cinthia and Rossy Moreno.-

-- Alda Moreno starts the match outmanuvering all of the rudas, then Rossy enters but gets slapped by Venus and Miss Janeth, the rudas start doing triple teaming on the sisters, the Moreno sisters turn the brawl their way and hang Janeth upside down from the top turnbuckle, so they can kick her a while, Alda starts hitting sentons everywhere... they get into the pin trading time, then into the miss-moves-from-the-top stuff, the only highspot was from Alda with a through the ropes somersault plancha. Rossy Moreno used a giant swing on Miss Janeth, then placed her on the top turnbuckle so Alda could hit a frankensteiner + rana for the 3 count. Miss Janeth and La Venus traded blows after the match and might be headed to a mask vs hair match...

*** Vipers vs Spice Boys.- So the new guys on the block get a mega push facing the top of AAA before having a month working for AAA?

1.- It's Vipers' chairshot frenzy all the way, eventually, they even attack Hijo del Tirantes and earn the DQ (why they did not get discualified for the use of illegal object?) 2.- Vipers whip the SB to the ropes, but the tecnicos counter with dropkicks, the rudos end on the floor to receive quadruple topes suicidas!!! Tecnico brawling, with some of the Spice boys using chairs to get some payback from the first fall... things cool down a little and then is a lengthy time of armdraging for the tecnicos, at least they show they know some spots. After a while, mayhem returns again and the 8 men end on the ring fighting, once again, the tecnicos cleared the ring but this time they only teased the topes suicidas and started doing the Latin-dance. Back in the ring, Hysteria charged at Randy who made the rudo bellyslide out of the ring, Psychosis (AAA) hits a shoulderblock and Randy went to the mat, but then threw Psycosis over the top rope, the Viper barely landed on the apron, so Vangelis could do missile kicks from the top turnbuckle to Psychosis and at the same time delivered plancha on Hysteria!!! Cool try, although was not done 100% right and Vangelis ended injured there... Mosco goes for a cornerspear but misses and leaves the ring, Randy jumps to the apron and gets assisted by Psychosis to nail Mosco (and the cameraman) with a somersault plancha (Psychosis was still on his back on the apron, in a move similar to the spot Abismo and Alebrije do), Maniaco assists Billy Boy to do an over the top rope moonsault to the floor (just like the one Pantera did on CMLL last week) and then hits a good over the top rope somersault plancha, Apache came out to attack Billy Boy and grant the DQ to the rudos, Sevilla also joined the following brawl.

Surprisingly good match, the Spice Boys are not the supertalented luchadors, but at least they tried some stuff, and although it didn't come off as good as it should had, at least it looks cool how they try to get killed there. If los Vipers had forgotten a little about the chair shot stuff and delivered some of their big spots (the moonsaults and sentons, for instance), this match could have been one of the best for AAA in recent weeks.

*** Killer (w/Miss Janeth), Texano, Jaque Mate and Mocho Cota vs Hector Garza, Octagon, Felino and Mascara Sagrada.- Well, the tv graphics said Hector Garza, but it was really Heavy Metal the guy in the tecnico team... Mocho Cota was in the rudo team, but I've already seen him in the AAA show here in Torreon so I was not as shocked to see him...

1.- Bum, pow, whack, tuck, rudos win this fall. 2.- (More onomatopeyic stuff) Jaque Mate takes Octagon's mask off to even the fall count. 3.- Octagon went to the looker room to get another mask, meanwhile, the beatdown continued, Heavy Metal ended being a bloody mess, Octagon made it back and staged the tecnico reaction, Heavy assited his brother to an over the top rope pescado plancha on Cota, the Heavy went to the top rope to do a good diving somersault plancha to the floor, Mascara Sagrada (AAA) did a top rope springboard side plancha to nail both Janeth and the guy she works with... Jaque Mate was being manhandled by Octagon so he took his mask again to end the match.

CMLL from Arena Coliseo (2) and Arena Mexico (2).-

*** Infernales 99 vs Olimpico, Super Astro and Brazo de Oro.-

1.- Rudo brawl, they triple team to pin Brazo, then Super Astro. 2.- The rudos stop using their gang tactics, they all use most of their usual spots, nothing too outstanding, tecnicos win. 3.- Olimpico wants to fight one on one with Bucanero, but he gets sneak attacked by Satanico, so both rudos beat him for a while, tecnicos balance the fall and Super Astro gets his chance to nail Ultimo Guerrero with his tope suicida, but that was about it, as usual, Satanico fakes a foul, but Rangel saw it was not a foul, Olimpico faked a foul of his own and this time the referees DQd the rudos.

This is the first time the Infernales 99 lose, at least, the first time on TV, so I have to wonder if their push is over so quickly, they have done a good work on the Rey Bucanero vs Olimpico feud, but it might have already been resolved at the 'Ruleta de la Muerte II', if it is still on, they could make good money at Arena Mexico. BTW, Satanico and Brazo de Oro feuded some months ago, they even headlined one of the big Arena Mexico shows...

*** Fuerza Guerrera, Villano III and Cien Caras vs Atlantis, Ringo Mendoza and Tinieblas jr.- The biggest surprise here is that this match is also from Arena Coliseo.

1.- Fuerza jumps on Ringo, which might lead to something, since the beatle is cmll middleweight champ... Tinieblas and Cien Caras were feuding earlier on the year and that was never solved, so I guess they're still on that... but the story here has to be the Villano and Atlantis feud. Atlantis soon lost his mask (but he had another with him or something) and juiced, the three rudos ganged up on Atlantis, but when Caras and Fuerza wanted to deliver double clotheslines, Tinieblitas and Ringo pulled them out of the ring and the tecnicos started brawling for a while. Atlantis uses a rana to pin Villano. 2.- More brawling, Atlantis got some revenge with Villano's mask, then the rudos triple teamed on Atlantis, the tecnicos brawled back, the rudos brawled again, everyone brawled, (save the referees, this ain't AAA yet), Fuerza Guerrera puts Atlantis into 'la cavernaria hold while Villano punched him mercyless, doing that long enought that the referees reversed the result and gave the match to the tecnicos.

*** Super Porky, Lizmark and Emilio Charles vs Apolo Dantes, Gran Markus jr and Mascara Aņo 2000.- Before the match, they aired a clip with Pierroth (using a great puerto rican accent) tries to convince Markus to join his team, Markus said that the boss wanted to talk to him, it was of course, a trap so Pierroth got beated by the Hermanos Dinamitas and Apolo.

1.- The rudos go after Super Porky first, then they beat everyone on sight, nothing to write home about, rudos took the fall. 2.- Tecnicos win. 3.- Apolo uses his finisher on Super Porky for the third time in a row. The rudos won, but then Pierroth and Ricky Santana came out and start beating Mascara and Apolo, Markus did not help his partners, Villano and Fuerza Guerrera also came to the ring and Markus signed with the Puerto Ricans.

*** Hijo del Santo, Mr Niebla and Negro Casas vs Shocker, Pierroth de Puerto Rico and Ricky Santana.-

1.- Mindless brawling, the editing made it even more confusing as at times, the rudos were getting the best of it and then the tecnicos were the ones punishing their foes. After some minutes, the referees DQd the rudos. 2.- More bashing the tecnicos, Negro started the comeback with his dropkicks to the legs, soon the tecnicos were punishing the rudos, with Niebla throwing Shocker to the second row!! Amazingly, Negro was assisted by Santito to do an ovver the top rope pescado plancha on Santana, then, Santo spent some time punching Pierroth, setting him ready to receive a diving tope from the top turnbuckle! Pierroth de Puerto Rico had to go out of the ring only to be leveled again by a near cornerpost tope!!! Shocker and Mr Niebla went to the ring and the tecnico nearly took Shocker's mask off, so the Fake Niebla entered to help his 'buddy', the DQ was declared but the fight went on for a little longer.