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E D lucha tv

This recap is not endorsed by anyone

-- I guess you've noticed that the recap got very late, I've been very busy and I don't expect to get back on track until the first or second week of July. Sorry.

-- Box y Lucha cover was dedicated to the late Owen Hart, Morales also said something about him, it was nice to see that the lucha media remembers him (as the Blue Blazer) Owen Hart R.I.P.

-- Another sad news item, Toreo de Cuatro Caminos got sold and the new owners will make something different out of it, so the legendary trios tourney was meant to be the last lucha show ever held there, even worse, do to problems with the promoters and the CMLL, the show resulted in a big fiasco, I don't think it even got showed on the PPV, and I don't believe it will be on regular tv.

-- A popular tv host, Paco Stanley, got killed in Mexico City. Peņa, Heavy Metal, Pentagon, Abismo Negro and Mascara Sagrada jr got interviewed on the funerals... CMLL guys were nowhere to be seen...

AAA, From Nuevo Laredo and Monterrey.

*** Las Brujas (Xochitl Hamada, Miss Janeth and Vicky Carranza) vs Martha Villalobos, La Nazi and La Briosa.- They had a video with Xochitl saying that she could beat Pentagon in less than 10 minutes, so I guess they're turning into a wwfesque show...

-- The match itself wasn't that good, the Villalobo's team was called the 'tecnicas', but acted as rudas, while Brujas were on the tecnical side, but nothing too impressive was done, the match had Tiffany, a lady wrestler from Monterrey getting involved, aparently she is having a feud with Martha Villalobos, so at the end, she throwed a coke to her eyes and ' la diva del ring' forgot about the match and beated Tiffany while the three brujas outmanuvered her partners to take the match.

*** A long recap on the situation with Pentagon being a Octagon imposter and Perrito attacking him, Octagon said he wanted an apology from the Aguayos or else... at least they didn't did the video with letterboxed black and white and dramatic music... let me see, Perro turns rudo and loses his hair to Octagon before leaving for CMLL, perfect for AAA!!! After all, Octagon's hair/mask achievements are not that impressive (Love Machine and Eddy Guerrero hair -with Hijo del Santo--, Satanico in a match that Octagon had only a couple of offensive moves -a dropkick and Octaclucht-, and Huracan Ramirez jr mask).

*** Diabolicos (Marabunta, Mr Condor and Angel Mortal) and Apache vs Oscar Sevilla, Niņo de la Calle, Skayde and Mexico.-

1.- They start off with some basic moves and holds, the Sevilla comes with his stupid matador comedy stuff on Apache, next is Niņo causing mayhem on the rudos, two of them end out of the ring, so Sevilla can hit a plancha from the ttb while Niņo did a tope suicida! Skayde uses a Gory pin on one of the diabolico, Mexico comes with a ttb plancha on Marabunta to get the fall.

2.- Skayde dominates with aerial offensive, but the Diabolicos start sneak attacking Mexico and the rudo offense intensive fall takes place. 3.- More of the rudo control, tecnicos take the control back, Niņo delivers tope suicida, Mexico and Skayde connect simultaneous over the top rope somersault planchas, and Cuerno de Chivo (with his mask) comes out to low blow Sevilla, which goes unseen by the referees and the rudos get the match.

*** Abismo Negro (II), Cibernetico and Electro Shock vs Humberto Garza, Felino and Heavy Metal.-

1.- Huge brawling with the Vipers and Peņa & co. It seems that Ciber teared his AAA contract down so he should be fired or something... yeah right... Felino's new suit is kind of ugly, Humberto is a little fat... Tecnicos win this fall, in the second fall 2.- Abismo pulls down Heavy Metal's pants, (some censor there) and I'm about to quit watching lucha althogether... not really, well, Abismo uses the confusion to pin Heavy with 'la de a caballo'.

3.- In the final caida, the vipers go on triple teaming over Heavy Metal, then is Felino's turn, more brawling, Abismo uses handcuffs to beat the tecnicos and then chained the Casas brothers to a post so they couldn't help Humberto Garzo, who got slaughtered for a while, Hector Garza came out with the key, so the tecnicos reacted, Heavy Metal even did a tope suicida on Abismo, his brother also flyed but the cameraman was sleeping on that one... Ciber fouls Garza, and goes for the cover, Tirantes 1, 2... Tropicasas kicks him and DQ Ciber, the referees brawl, then everyone brawls as the show comes to an end.

CMLL-- From Arena Mexico, Taped on the Friday 25th (no tuesdays Coliseo anymore?). Annoucers, Alfonso Morales, Javier Yaņes and Andres Maroņas (weird since he is AAA regular).

***Ultimo Guerrero, Rey Bucanero and Violencia vs Tarzan Boy, Zorro and Olimpico.-

1.- Rey Bucanero starts avoiding Olipico at first, so Ultimop Guerrero and Zorro had to open the match, normal stuff, Olimpico taunts and attacks Rey Bucanero but they only get into a slap trade off, action picks up a little as both teams go back and forth without anyone taking control until everything is set for a triple tecnicos over the top rope somersault plancha dives!!! Tecnicos return to the ring but the rudos are counted out.

2.-Zorro makes short work of all 3 rudos, but the is beaten down by Rey Bucanero when he tried to chase him out of the ring, it is all rudo brawling from there. 3.- More kick, punch, slap, etc... Bucanero gets his chance to punish Olimpico for some time, taking him to the usual leg-on-the-permanent-seat spot, he is happy beating him down but in the ring, Tarzan Boy and Zorro had one of those reactions out of nowhere to take the match pinning the rudos.

*** Lighting Match--- Zumbido vs Negro Casas.-

-- A little of a disappoiment, they mostly did some slaps, kicks and stomps over and over again, sometimes brawling out of the ring (and with Negro blocking a foul on the cornerpost, which Zumbido had used the previous week), Zumbido misses a moonsault and Negro hits la casita to take the match.

*** Villano III, Satanico and Bestia Salvaje vs Atlantis and the Head Hunters.-

1.- Brawling, the only thing of note here is that the annoucing team remembered Owen Hart, as the Blue Blazer in his feud with Canek some years ago at Toreo de Cuatro Caminos. 2.- Villano pulls Atlantis mask off, since they had lost the first fall, the rudos lose 2-0. Seeing an Atlantis vs Villano III feud could be interesting, but I don't think they could ever end on a mask vs mask match, I guess they want to make Atlantis to defend the CMLL light heavyweight title against Villano... which would be weird sincea couple of months ago, Ray Mendoza's fave son was feuding Olimpico for the welterweight title...

*** Kurgan, Apolo Dantes and Universo 2000 vs SuperPorky, Mr Niebla and Emilio Charles.-

1.- Tecnicos do well untill Kurgan enters and destroyed them. 2.- More rudo beat down, Silva comes out, rudos win by DQ.

CMLL is doing very good at the attendance numbers, but it is becoming very hard to know exactly why, this card was unimpressive, only the first match aired had some good stuff, but for the rest of it, was below average.