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What happens next all depends three things:
1) how fast you read, 
2) how fast your computer is and 
3) whether or not your browser has Java.

It's amazing how many people will click here, as evidenced by the counter below. 
Here I've out right warned you not to click here, but you did anyway.

Now it's possible that I'm just pulling your leg, that there's nothing really here. 
That's a distinct possiblity. After all, what damage could I conceivably inflict 
as a result of you merely clicking through a link? Satisfying that unquenchable 
thirst for knowledge and genetic propensity for discovery, right? Sure, fair enough.

It's also possible that, through the use of technologies previously unknown by you, 
I may causing catastrophic damage to your hard drive.  "Yeah, right" you say 
"he's full of it."

Now it's just a question of belief. Do you believe yourself? Your knowledge of the
Internet and its available technologies? Or, do you believe what the status bar at 
the bottom of your browser is currently displaying?
