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The Banana Four!

So, you guys really want to hear about the story of the bananas? Yeah ya do! Okay...well, once upon a time there was a girl named Anna and a girl named Hannah. Now, these two girls were just the greatest of friends and everyone called them Anna and Hannah banana, cuz they were bananas! I mean...those were their nicknames. Then there was this other girl named Stephanie and she liked to play with Hannah and Anna, so people just started calling her a banana too. So there they were...the 3 of them. Then on July 10th, this boy (his name was Danny) asked these three bananas if he could be a part of their banana club. These girls were pretty shocked, so they had to consult one another. They decided he would have to go through some sort of test to become a banana. And Danny did this test...and he passed, so he was allowed to be a banana on July 12th, 1998. What is this test you ask? You really want to know? Okay, I'll tell then! Well it was during a youth conference dance that he asked, so this is what us gals did. Every time we would go up to him and say monkey, he would have to stop whatever he was doing and hoot and holler and do his arms as a monkey would. So we'd do it while he was in the middle of a slow dance with another girl and he would have to stop and be second please...oh goodness, it was funny! So there you have it, the story of how the bananas came to be! Oh, that is not the end to the story, because it could go on forever! But, right now, I don't have time for more details...keep yourself posted for the next episode though! :)

Banana's in the snow!

background © 1998 Katie Snyder