The Black Hole *Enter if you Dare*
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The Black Hole *Enter if you Dare*

Hello, and welcome to The BLACK Hole!

This is a sight dedicated to other people with
an intrest in astronomy, although I hope this
site would be intresting even to the non-
astronomy lover. My name is Megan and I'm a
14/f from Illinois. Most people would probably
classify me as a nerd, and I like that. I don't
care a lot about clothes, fashion, etc. I have
loved astronomy since I was about 5.

I do have a few friends, and they seemed
to want me to make A Friends Page, so I finally did.
My friends are not great deal like me, but they're not
that bad.

I also love Broadway music. My favorites
are Les Miserables and Phantom of the Opera.
I have the complete script to Les Mis and hopefully
you're hearing Bring Him Home right now. (that's from
Les Mis). I hope to get much more stuff related to them.
If you have any more music from musicals or operas, please
tell me.

I've spent many hours searching for astronomy sites,
"nerd" sites, teen sites,and good chat rooms.
I have not found many.

I hope to get many more links to astronomy sites,
better graphics, and articles written by myself
and other visiters to this site.

I do have a message board here, now. It's pretty neat,
and please leave a message. The topic can be about
anything and everything.

I also have a chat room, now. It may seem a bit confusing
to begin with, but it's actually pretty effective and fun once you get
used to it. I'm going to try to find a differant kind of chat room,
but this should work for now. Try to stop in sometime, we need more people!

If you would like to write an article for my webpage,
please E-mail it to me at
It could be about astronomy, school, life, computers,
dating, nerds, basically about anything you'd like to
write about If I think people would like to read it,
I'll post it on the site. Well, I hope you like my site,
and please come back often to see if I've updated it yet.
I'd also just like to point out that I rarely update this page, and when I do, I don't update much at a time. This is the first time in nearly 1 1/2 years that I have. Much has changed. I'm now a sophomore at the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, which I truly love. I'm much less cynical now, although I still resort back occasionally. Eventually, I will et around to updating more, but for now, I apologize. I also apologize for the crudeness of this webpage, I did make it when i was around 11 years old, i believe. Sorry. i will make a new one, much more interesting, I promise.

The Black Hole's CHAT ROOM! Have fun, and keep it somewhat clean, please. The topic is anything and everything. The Black Hole's Chat Room

The Black Hole's message board. Have fun, but I reserve the right to delete any offending messages, so keep it clean. The Black Hole's Message Board

Hey, this is a pretty neat "newspaper" report on alien sitings **If you're really dense and need reassuring, it's not real** Aliens Spotted!

This is a slot machine, it's just a fun toy to play around with, not an actual gambling device. The Slot Machine

This is all the words and lyrics in Les Miserables. If you don't know the story and have a lot of time, it's a very good thing to do.
The First Act
The Second Act

This is my quotes page. It's a few quotes said by my friends, or people that I've meet. Some of them are quite amusing.
Funny, Famous, and Just Plain Stupid Quotes

I do have ICQ, so if anyone would like to talk sometime, my number is 19297370. I'd love to talk about almost anything.

My favorite links

This is a site dedicated to nerds. It is extremely helpfull if you are one of my fellow nerds, and extremely amusing if you're just an ordinary being.

This is a really neat chat site, it's quite fast and very varied in its topics of conversaton

These are the articles I have so far. Please don't hesitate to E-mail me articles that you've wrote. When I get more, they'll be more organized.