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This is how a mailing list works.

The way you can subscribe to the ocdteen list, is, after reading this, return to the main page by clicking your BACK button. Type your email address into the subscription box, and click on "join group". Then what will happen, is, you will get a message in your Email box. Read that message, click the reply button, then click the send button. That should work.
Or you can send a blank email to

You should start seeing messages arrive in your mailbox from other teens. Soon after I see that you have been added to the list, I will mail you the list Guidelines, an Introduction to fill out, and you will get introductions from the other "safe parent", Jill, and a hi from "safe teen", Jenn.

If after a day, you are not getting mail from the list, Email me at, and I will get the problem straightened out.

Make sure you put this address in your address book This address is what gets your message to the whole ocdteen member list at the same time. If you are replying to an off topic issue, or have become private friends with someone on the list, then take note of their private Email address.
Hope you come back and visit and join the list!
Kelly Lister
Teen ListMaster