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My first try at webpage making. Everyone needs a place to call home, so I made this page. Ya'll are welcome to visit any time. I'm not online as much due to some health problems (My cancer recurred) but you can always reach me by ICQ or by leaving a message in my guestbook. Heck, just sign it anyway, I love getting messages....*grin*

VP has brought me many friends, lots of joy and lots of pain. One thing for sure, I wouldn't change any of my experiences here (Just like life off the computer) because I have learned some valuable lessons. I do expect to return the favor, so if you need to know something, please ask me. The fun part is getting started......LOL

I do have some very special people I would like to list here. thanks to you all for being part of my life. You all know how important you are to me and if you need anything, all you have to do is ask. The roles you've played in my VP life are memories I'll always cherish. Lots of hugs in stock when needed.....*smile*

In Loving Memory of John (Rawrunner): I could never put into words how much you meant to me. Our friendship was a bond that is rare to find. I will never forget all the little things you did just to make me smile, or to help even when I was being stubborn and wouldn't ask for help. You were a role model for all that knew you. Those of us blessed with that priviledge will miss you so much. I know you will still be watching over us from Heaven. God has a special angel with him now, so spread your wings, hon, you've earned them. Love and miss you always........... Kim

Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook

Special Shoutouts To:


A page made for me (thank you Fonsie) with a little about me....*S*
Kiersey's page.........she's a doll, so if you see her be sure to say hi.
Juno-Reactor's page...Visit for tons of cool stuff for VP and great links. Thanks, Juno. *S*
My Second Page.....Dealing with my Cancer.....
My VP and Real Life Friend, Havok's page.....gotta love her!
For personal avs and cool gestures visit Sub & Bliss's page
My special friend, Ego's page. He knows I luv him......*S*
