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Welcome to ~*RèÐWøøÐ*~'s page...I've seen a couple of pages....and I was really much that I decided to start one of my here it is...!

Well ~*RèÐWøøÐ*~ is the character I'm currently roleplaying as in the GFW

Gazinya Family Wrestling is my newest challenge!!

GFW: Thanks to Xercist. I landed a job in the GFW. For the first time since I started wrestling I'm involved in a family organization. This oughta' be good. I do see some competition. But we know how I love those challenges. So I'm going to give this a shot. And I do hope that this fed will be here alot longer than the previous that I've come across!! So far so good yo'.

Internet Championship Wrestling was back, Back again!!

ICW 3.0: It's back. Trial Number 4!!! No more hacking. No more B.S. Just all WooD. 24/7. IT's time to get my belt back. AND I DO MEAN MY BELT!!!!! I welcome all challangers to WooDVille and I dare them to stay. IF THEY CAN!!!!!! Oh Yes Indeed it is check in time!!!!! Just this time my bro's here. A couple good friends are puttin' in their two cents. And of course Mr. Edward King is once again pulling the strings!!! And like it'd been before. It's FINISHED!!!!


HIW: This was the first one I joined. The president Luke Wolf updated well. Commissioner Mr. Bigg did a good job there! But sorry to say that the BEST E-FED out there died due to the lack of committed Roleplayers. Rookies and KIDS that didn't have the guts to compete with the best of the best. Rest forever in peace HIW!! My birth and home for life!!! AND it WAS BACK!! It for what it seems like shut it's doors down for good!! Long live the KINGS of HIW!!

So if you want to join GFW. Be sure to click on the Efed name above and fill out the application.

Vote for my site by clicking the picture below and e-mail me for any comments or suggestions to make this page better!

How about a little more INFORMATION on ~*RèÐWøøÐ*~....

To see the entire Roster of GFW's BIOS

These are the CURRENT Rankings of the GFW

Now onto ~*RèÐWøøÐ*~'s HISTORY. This contains my current and overall record plus belts that I have or owned.

To see the MAN behind the ~*WøøÐ*~. *lol* go here. Jace "~ReD~" Jones

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