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LGBTs as Mutants from X-Men

FYI:   LGBT = Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender
(for original work, click here)

       I suppose you may be wondering what the hell I mean by my title, so let me clarify. According to the Gaylactic Network, a group that analyzes science fiction movies of particular relevance to the GLBT experience, X-Men are sometimes used as a metaphor for GLBT people. The X-men movie is about a "group of people who were different than most of humanity, who experienced changes during puberty, and who were fighting a battle both internally and externally for recognition and acceptance." Due to prejudice and lack of accpetance in our society, which is similar to the society that the mutant X-Men struggled against, it should not be surprising that it is very difficult to "come out" (openly reveal to others that you are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender) and that coming out is often avoided. However, some people have managed to come out and to break boundaries in doing so, as I have. My coming out has partially been out of my desire to break the harmful, false taboo that being "queer" is such a terrible thing, but also out of my own comfort in coming to terms with an important aspect of myself.
       It should be acknowledged that as human beings, we undergo dramatic changes in our lives.  This is true in many different instances, and is also very true in regards to defining our sexuality and sexual orientation.  Many people turn their heads away without completely addressing these issues, which explains why some do not realize that they are LGBT until later on in their lives.  Also, people mature at different paces and their personal identity may constantly be redefined.  I did not fully realize my sexual orientation until I was in college.  Over time, I thought about it and had to keep adapting it to my lifestyle.  For example, I used to be heterosexual.  I later learned that I may be quite feminine at times and would not really mind being in a relationship with members of either sex.  It just seemed suitable to call myself 'bisexual', and in time, bisexual and abstinent (since I now think of sex as an unnecessary risk for me).
       Since I have never been in a relationship, nor have I ever had sex with another person, coming to terms with my orientation was not as difficult as it is possibly for other LGBT people.  They may be likely to shy away from sticky situations such as revealing their significant others to family and friends, which is more nerve-wracking than what I've experienced.  Nevertheless, coming out poses a challenge as far as acceptance goes.  My maturity led me to a point where I simply did not care what others thought.  I eventually came out to friends, fellow classmates, acquaintances, and in certain instances, even strangers.  The hardest thing for me was coming out to my very close family.  Never, have I recalled sexual identity ever being discussed within my family.  It was always assumed that everyone was heterosexual—hence our heterosexist society.  The first family members to know my sexual orientation were my siblings, and later on, my parents.
       Perhaps in the end, it is not merely coming out—which ultimately takes time and personal commitment—that matters, but rather, being comfortable with oneself and being socially accepted by others.  Coming out is a rather difficult thing to do and there is almost always some skepticism involved.  Compared to straight people, sexual orientation is more of a salient aspect of LGBT people's every day lives.  In fear of attacks as a result of stereotypes and stigmas commonly associated with them, LGBT people often have to run away from situations and even their true selves.  Personally, I feel that it is a shame that our patriarchal society has not done what it should in protecting the rights and safety of individuals.  In the worst cases, a number of LGBTs have been killed, tortured, or sometimes led to the point of suicide.  This should not be happening.  We should encourage each other to discuss that LGBTs should have the right to live freely and with equal rights to everyone else.  Together, we can all destroy the ever-present taboo that being “queer” is wrong.
