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16 = USA Patriot Act related; Page last updated 7/27/05, 8:03PM CT

FYI, in case you missed them: National Conference on Media Reform & 7th Annual Homelessness Marathon. Also, become part of a World Peace Effort, please pass it along!

Archived Postings (V-day related + more)  |  There is Heat on the Street, so One it!

News/Journalism/Media --> Illinois News & Links Page (radio, organizations, events, more) -- Aljazeera*, Alternet*, American Free Press*, Associated Press, BBC News*, Boston Globe, BuzzFlash*, Capital Times*, Center for Public Integrity*, Common Dreams*, Counter Punch*, Cursor*, Democracy Now*, DiYMedia*, Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting*, Free Press*, Guardian*, Guerrilla News Network*, Independent*, Independent Media Center (global)*, Inter Press Service*, In These Times* (free PDF downloads), L.A. Times, Miami Herald, Mother Jones*, The Nation*, New Hampshire Gazette*, Now with Bill Moyers*, NY Daily News, NY Times, Progressive*, PR Watch*, PRWeb*, Reuters, Salon*, Salt Lake Tribune, ThoughtCrimenews*,*, Truthout*, TV News Lies*, USA Today, Village Voice*, Wall Street Journal, Washington Free Press*, Washington Post, Washington Times, Working for Change*, Zmag*; Radio--Air America Radio (Archives-1, 2, 3), Free Speech Radio News*, National Public Radio*, Pacifica Radio* (WBAI), Progressive Radio*, Public Radio International*, Radical Radio* -- * = Independent/Non-profit | Highly Recommended Media Guide: Project Censored Guide to Independent Media and Activism edited by Peter Phillips (from Seven Stories Press)

Person --> Michael Moore (includes letters from U.S. troops), Greg Palast, Jeff Paterson, Patch Adams, Mark Fiore, Eric Blumrich, Brette Sember, Rachel CorrieR.I.P., Jeff Gibbs, Daniel MauserR.I.P., Lynne Stewart, Dave Lippman, David Pogue, Howard Lyman, Margaret Cho, Frank Dorrel, Daniel Ellsberg, Al Franken, Oprah Winfrey, Paris, Jim Hightower, Iris ChangR.I.P., Charles Joseph Smith, Alex Jones16, George Humphrey, Loung Ung

People's Power --> Sites Related to Voting: MUST READ, How They Could Steal the Election this Time (see also What You Can Do), Project Vote Smart, Rock the Vote, Declare Yourself, Citizen Change, Voto Latino, Punk Voter, Women's Voices, Women Vote, V is for Vote, Vote, Run, Lead, Step Up Women's Network, Ballot-Integrity Project | Key Issues, Compare your views on issues with candidates, Causenet, Thomas, | Referendum on the European Constitution?

What do you think? --> Spend Mike's Tax cut, Water, Teen Double Life?, X Child, Controversial Game, Coming Out, Vote Theft, Phone Scam?, Reason Why, Bush's Winning Hand16, Spam, Crashing the Wedding Party, Concerning Males (in part females as well), Where is the Love?, Stripping Away Our Rights, People vs. Ashcroft, GW Bush Resume (see also), Bush's fake turkey, Climate Change, Countering a Wave of Hate, Burned Alive by a Drunk Driver, The Movie Hollywood is Afraid to Make, Bush and Kerry are cousins (see also Skull and Bones), We Are the Majority, Protester=Criminal?, Invasion of the Privacy Snatchers, PA Summer Tour '0316, Muslim Woman Victim of Ethnic & Religious Bias Strip Search (O'Hare Int'l Airport)

Peace efforts, organizations, campaigns... <-- You may or may not agree, but know they exist and find out for yourself

Labor --> Labor Beat, Workers Independent News Service, Industrial Workers of the World, Time Day, Unite Union, Service Employees International Union

Legal/Law/Rights --> National Lawyers Guild, Lambda Legal, Center for Constitutional Rights16, Bill of Rights Defense Committee16, Amnesty International, American Civil Liberties Union16, Center for Justice & Democracy

11th September 2001 --> 911pi, 9-11 Emergency Response Network, Unanswered Questions, Citizens Watch, Aftermath, Remembrance, questions, questions, 911 Strike, Cooperative Research, Questioning, The Truth About 9-11, FTW, Quotes during the time, A Nation Remembers, A Nation Remembers II, 9-11 Commission

Art --> Chalk & Awe, Art Teez

Fun + Resources --> Coffee Arcade, Uproar, Neave Games, Trivial Pursuit, Juggling (Java), Launch, The Onion, Mad Magazine, Map Quest, Dictionary, HTML, Credit Report, Tax Counseling Project, Weather

Non Profit (NPO) --> Donate Hair, Food for All

Book it -- Don't Believe the Hype by Farai Chideya, The Rape of Nanking by Iris Chang, Silencing Political Dissent16 by Nancy Chang, The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler, What's it All About Charlie Brown? by Jeffrey H. Loria, The Sexual Politics of Meat by Carol J. Adams, A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn, Addicted to War by Joel Andreas, Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity by Bruce Bagemihl, Against All Enemies by Richard Clarke, Secrets of the Tomb by Alexandra Robbins, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy by Greg Palast, The Buying of the President 2004 by Charles Lewis, Will They Ever Trust Us Again? by Michael Moore, Why Americans Hate Politics by E.J. Dionne, Jr.