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General--Artists Against AIDS Worldwide, Black Commentator, Stop RFID, Stop SEVIS, Smoke Free Chicago, ColorLines, Applied Research Center, Stop FTAA, Centre for Research on Globalization, Truth Now, Media Reform, (Also see Bush in 30sec.), Tell Us the Truth Tour, Honor the Earth, National Philistine, ACORN, The Power Hour

Stop Caterpillar, Stop the NRA (see also), Campaign to End the Death Penalty, Voices in the Wilderness, UNPLUG Salem,

Keeping Watch
Occupation Watch, School of Americas Watch, Human Rights Watch, Coke Watch, Iraq Body Count, Google Watch, Genocide Watch, Sweatshop Watch, Corp Watch, Amazon Watch, OMB Watch, Corporate Watch

Women Related
VDay, Maiti Nepal, Code Pink,

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT)
DON'T AMEND, Freedom to Marry, Equal Marriage Now, GLSEN, Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, The Advocate

Peace & Justice Efforts
Coalition of Immokalee Workers, Killer Coke, October 22nd Coalition, Blue Triangle Network, International Solidarity Movement, Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice, Save Kevin Cooper, Free the Five

Nuclear Relief Efforts
Traprock Peace Center, Nuclear Information & Resource Service, American Gulfwar Veterans Assocation