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Intention and Purposes of this Progressive Webpage

This page was originally started to compile some very progressive and useful links to webpages gathered over the course of time. Since it is all too easy to misplace and forget things, particularly online related info, it seems more convenient to post them on the web. The internet is a very great medium for accessing information (and sharing it, which has come to be a major purpose of the page). Unfortunately, due to limitations of all sorts, not everyone is connected and also unfortunate is that the page is case sensistive, unlike most other urls on the world wide web.

In addition, the Illinois News & Links Page was established for links and information specifically related to Illinois. It is with hope that you the reader pass on this Progressive Webpage to others that may not know about it. It is important that we inform ourselves of what's going on and taking place in our crazy world. Understand and always keep in mind, each and everyone of us has an important role to play and no one is useless, not even the homeless and others at the bottom of the disgraceful socioeconomic make up of our society. The way we all treat one another will ultimately determine whether someone becomes very successful or another life taken or worse, such as what happened at Columbine High School in Littleton, CO on April of 1999. Let's all make a difference and not give into hatred, by striving to understand each other, best of luck!

If you would like to make contact for whatever reason, e-mail; you will not receive any messages or responses unless you specify somewhere near the end of your message for any requests or response. Down with spam! You may also get in touch via Aol Instant Messenger (AIM) by instant messengering the screen name prinkol.