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"How it All Started"

It was a cool and misty night at Mackey park on the 30th of March 1994, everyone was on edge because the coach of the Premier League (Tony Dunn) was about to cut the squad. To some of the players it would be the cruelest cut of all to other it made no difference as long as they were playing football for Marrickville. One thing for certain, it would change to course of football at Marrickville forever. Once Tony Dunn called the last of the players names to make his Premier League team he quickly turned to the others and thanked them all for trying out and wished them well. The players who missed the cut approached Tony to seek his advice on what they should do next, since the season kick off was due to commence in two days time. As Tony was apathetic to their situation and did not want to help them in their hour of need, so the players went off to train on their own. And so The Phantoms were formed.

Our first year together was not as successful as we would have hoped, we won one game (that's only because the other team never turned up). But it wasn't until the following season where we went on a massive recruitment drive - led by Lou and Boris they quickly made some very impressive signing's. Jules, Lowry, Zechner, Fernando (Edmundo the Animal) and Lloyd were targeted to lead the way for the new season and they did it in such fine style. Jules was asked to take on the responsibility of leading the Phantoms as coach, he accepted and the Phantoms never looked back. Many players have come and gone since 1994, many players have gone onto more successful playing careers and have become household names: Danny Mrkelja, David Beynon, Andrew Green and JD just to name a few.

We are about to start another season and no doubt it will be filled with controversy, spite and competitiveness but most of all it will be filled with the spirit of fun - Phantom style. Visit our site, send us e-mails, vote for your favourite players or even come to our matches and support the Phantoms - you may not see soccer like this again then again you may never wish to. As we always say "Soccer is the winner".

Phantom Phantom Phantom Oi Oi Oi

The Coach

Here are the different squads who have proudly worn the RED DEVILS jumper....Wise man say "Once you wear the Phantom jersey, you become a Phantom for life"
Be prepared to be transported in time by checking out the former Phantoms. From the early beggining of 1994 where the Phantoms won the "Wooden Spoon" to last year's Semifinalists. It has been a helluva ride!!!

1994 Squad

1995 Squad

1996 Squad

1998 Squad