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Coming REAL soon is my Custom Designs Page. While it's still under construction now, I think it's still worth a peek. Check it out.
So. Welcome, i guess. I always hate this part of web pages. i guess i've always wondered about how to do this "intro" part without sounding like some geek hacker. Well, just to prove i'm not, i don't even know what those 6 keys on the right end of the keyboard are for. i'm really just your average punk with a few outstanding qualities. and that's what these pages are for i guess. A place to be the supreme dictator of my own little corner in cyberspace. A little site where i'm king for a day. isn't that just what we all want? And a little of it is to feel like i'm famous i guess. Since my shit doesn't get posted anywhere else, and all they hang in museums nowadays is shit. So that's about it, and maybe a little advertising is going on but who gives a damn, right? Enjoy. If you can.
I attend the University of Notre Dame and play on the Water Polo Team there. I am an Alum of Fenwick High School. Betcha were dyin to know that.
A friend of mine just sent me this and I was so moved I had to put it up. I suggest you read it. It may just save your life.
A favorite pastime of mine is my artwork. I do all kinds of custom work, specializing in water polo art (semi-famous for my custom personalized ties and and numerous shirt designs) and comic book art. I've been spending this last year in Europe, sketching most of the time, and here are some of my most recent sketches. If you're intrested in what I've done, email me. If you're intrested in having me design something for you, EMAIL ME. I'd be honored.
Below is a picture of my girlfriend and i on Super Bowl night '99 at Miscellania's in Rome, Italy. The weird faces are #1 because it's a bar, and #2 because it's about 3 AM.

Check these out

Attorney at Law...the best around. trust me.
a good comic site
Angelfire's free homepages
ND Water Polo Homepage
United States Water Polo Homepage
