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Fall 2003                              Special Topics: Astrophysics (Phys 493)   

Dr. I. Fernini


                                                Homework # 3


Due Monday, October 27 - Late HW won't be accepted anymore.



Problem 1:


By expressing the unit direction vector W in Cartesian coordinates, i.e.,


                   W = Wx x  + Wy y + Wz z



                   Wx = sinq cosj

                   Wy = sinq sinj

                   Wz = cosq


prove the following identities:


(a)            ò dW = 4p

(b)            ò W dW = 0

(c)            ò W (W × A) dW = (4p/3) A

(d)           ò  (W × A) (W × B) dW = (4p/3) (A × B)


where A and B are any vectors which are independent of W.



Problem 2:


Show that the anisotropic factor f = K/J = 1/3 for each of the following radiation fields:


          (a) I(m) = I0 + m I1    (Eddington approximation)

          (b) I(m) = I0 d(m - m0)   where m0 = 1/Ö3