..... Another year over, and a new one's just begun. ~John Lennon~

I ponder the nature of time and I find that as each year passes all that is before me ages in a much more rapid pace than I. I gaze upon the reflection in the mirror and see no real difference. I am beginning to think I am immortal. Of course there is always the chance that it will all catch up with me at once. I will be sitting there talking to someone and all of the sudden it will be Dorian Gray all over my cute little face! Granted I am not as quick in reflexes or as limber as I was 20 years ago, but for the most part I am as I have always been. I am one of the ageless. I am ageless because I will not accept the popular propaganda that time diminishes us. Time is simply a concept created by man to track his life. It was born out of the insecurity of his own mortality. So the entire concept of time has taken root in our minds and constantly nags at us. We have accepted the fact that we are allowed X amount of time to do and be here in this life, and when we have spent the whole wad, we must fade into whatever existence lies beyond life as we know it.

Horse hockey!!!

There is too much emphases on time. Time to work, time to play, time to sleep, time to study. We are paid based on the time we put into our work. We evaluate and rate the performance of our young on the basis of time. At six months this should be, and at eight or nine months he should be doing this, and that. When do we have time to exist? When do we have time to be? At what point in time do stop all of our time managed activities and be who and what we are? When do we become one with our own existence? Answer anyone of these questions and you will be ageless. You will have beaten the greatest enemy you have, or ever will know. Time is the one true enemy of life. Death is no enemy. Death is just another time marker. Some say the end of an existence, and others say the beginning of a new existence. What do I say? I say it is a marker. It is a moment that everyone uses to gauge the time they have left. If you are ageless you can not be made nonexistent by the natural order of things. The passing of the energy that controls your body from within you to outside of you, and as we know energy can not be destroyed. The spark in you will go on forever. The governing force of your body will never cease to exist. You are immortal. Deal with it! This brings me to the millennium. There are the usual crowd of doomsday idiots out there screaming that the end of time is fast approaching. The year two thousand. The end of life as we know it. It all comes to an end at this point. From what banana tree did these people fall out of??? Can someone please tell me why the year two thousand is so significant to life? We posses the power and know how to destroy this planet physically many times over. Have we done it yet? Apparently not, and why, in the name of all that smooth and chocolaty in a Three Musketeer Bar, would we decide to wait until the millennium? Where is the logic that leads us to this path? Someone once told me that is was prophesied in the Bible. I'm sorry, I must have missed that page. And God spake, saying, "...AND THE WORLD SHALL END AT THE TURN OF THE CENTURY."

Am I wrong or have there not been several of those since he, first spake these words? I guess we are supposed to go nuts and cringe with fear at the end of every century until it finally pays off. If in the event it does happen, and I can tell you now, it wont be THIS millennium, (TRUST ME) at least we have had enough practice in cowering in corners and saying our last minute Hail Marys, Our Fathers, and assorted other prayers, and rituals that we can pop them out at the drop of a dime, and with little to no flaws in them, so when the end does occur we have made our peace, and can go straight to Heaven, or whatever place we expect to go.

Someone once asked me what I believe God to be. My answer is as follows...

God is the energy of the universe, as we know it. God is the energy that started things in motion. The energy that moves the stars and planets in their never ending trek through this infinite expanse we call the universe. The universe is the house of God. God is everywhere because the energy is everywhere. God is in all things in heaven and earth, because the energy is in all things in heaven and earth. Energy is drawn and used, thus God moves all things in the universe. At the point in which the energy leaves our bodies it becomes, once more, one with God within the house of God. Not to say the we are not one with him all along. The separation is imaginary, and hardly significant, but in our mind it is there. So if anyone asks if I believe I am going to heaven when I die, I tell them upon the passing of this physical existence I will journey onward to become one with God. As it was before my birth, and in time the energy that was once my spark will be absorbed by another. Just as I have absorbed the energy of those who came before me. Is it right to say this is MY energy? Yes. Today it is mine. Yesterday it was someone elses, and tomorrow it may be another's. The simplicity of it is that we claim that which is part of us. The body is of the earth, but it is mine. When I am done with this body it will become the property of the earth again. It will, one day, become part of a new life and go on from there. So in a since you could say that I believe in reincarnation. The part of God that was me will eventually come back, in some way, in some life. That is the precious gift that is awarded to us in this existence. We have the chance to share the part of God we once shared with a new. life. This is something we should be proud of, and revel in. For the energy I received at conception was once another life. So when we celebrate the birthday of a new life, it may not be a bad idea to welcome back that part of God that was once someone else. Perhaps someone we once knew, or loved. The body is disposable, the essence is eternal.

So with this being said ............. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!