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Grumbles from Crazy Dan


Wow... This page has been up two years. All the more reason to get it up and running (somewhat) again. I've been afflited by the Deadlands RPG these past 10 months. It is the greatest game I have ever seen... It's kung fu is superior. That is why I've put up some of my own stuff for Deadlands: Hell on Earth here. Check it. Oh, and I also intend on going to GenCon this year. I'm counting down the days...

- "Crazy" Dan

Wednesday, October 14th, 1998

OK, added some gear to the GURPS: X-COM area.  I'm really getting psyched up again about this, and getting much more productive again...  More time, and what not.  Expect more, soon.  Plus, I picked up the Deadlands RPG...  Oh, that is just SOOOOO cool...  ::drool::

- "Crazy" Dan

Thursday, July 16th, 1998

Life goes on...  Well, I've added some new stuff, including a start of a new section on psychic powers for RIFTS, and an Armageddon character sheet.  Check it out.

- "Crazy" Dan

Monday, July 13th, 1998

Alright, I'm back from a visit to college, and am hard at work using my newly acquried GURPS Vehicles rules to make those weapons for GURPS X-COM.  In the meantime, the new WitchCraft character sheet is up in the WitchCraft section.  More to come...

- "Crazy" Dan

Saturday, July 4th, 1998

Happy Independence Day... Yay capitalism! But anyway, the site is modified again... Fixed some problems with the sectoids I had up, and posted a new one in the X-COM section... Other than that, not much else. More on the way.

- "Crazy" Dan

Wednesday, June 24th, 1998

OK, the ball is offically rolling.  The first of the GURPS X-COM material is up, with two Sectoid types ready for you to peruse at your convenience.  More on the way, as well as some RIFTS ideas...

- "Crazy" Dan


Monday, June 22nd, 1998

Wow.  Long time, no activity.  Well, I've got a small amount of free time, and I may as well spend it doing something productive.  Thus, I've returned to my page...  I'm streamlining here and there, to save the bitstream, but for the most part it's the same.  I'm adding a new section for GURPS...  Check it out.  I'll probably also add a bunch of links, soon, too, of just cool places I like to visit.

"Sectoids...  I hate these guys!" - "Crazy" Dan

Sunday, August 24th, 1997

My it's beens some time since I updated this thing.  Well, I've been busy, I apologize.  Finding the right college (Mizzou!) was important enough to take a trip there, and I also recently joined the ranks of the employed. I have joined the sales drones, and am now peddling software. Fun, fun, fun. However, this time has given me time to reflect. Enough time to think of cool RPGs I'd like to see.  Tell me what you think:

- Fnordcraft: In a world filled with XXXXXX, you are a XXXXXXXXXXX, fighting the forces of XXXXXXXXXXXXX in order to keep the world XXXXX. You don't know who you are, what to do, or who to do what with. The only thing you do know is that you know nothing, and you are not cleared to learn anything more. Trust something.

- Janitor: Life with a Mop: With a dark-and-gritty style, Janitor would give you a taste of the life of the multitudes of sanitation engineers available. Be an average school janitor, and deal with the troubles of rebellious youths. Or, join the glitz and glamour of the corporate janitor, complete with uniform and velcro-nametag, where everyday is a risk for getting fired if you tick off the wrong people. The only good floor, is a buffed floor.

- Squirrel Wars: In what may seem to be the peaceful forest preserves, the woodlands are rocked in an epic battle between good and evil. The evil Nut Empire is attempting to rule the forest with an iron fist. The Dark Lord Bob leads an expedition to exterminate the evil Red-Tails, who believe in freedom for all woodland creatures. Race up trees! Duel on telephone wires! Battle in ferns! And when you think the forest is complex enough, in come... the field mice! For mature players.

- "Crazy" Dan

Tuesday, July 9th, 1997

Well, I've always meant to keep a log of all the assorted ramblings I say on my web site, and I suppose this is where it will all start. I don't know if this will be posted today or not. I've been working at it the past few hours, and either my arms will fall off at the elbows, or my spine will break. I'll work until one of those happens. But, as you can see (if you've been here before), the site is completely re-done, hopefully for the better. Be sure and give everything a gander, and I'd love to stick around to say some more, but time is fleeting, and I need to get back to work on the rest of this stuff. Enjoy.

- "Crazy" Dan




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