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Equilibrium - part 9

The security officer looked up as she entered, but if he was surprised to see his Captain he gave no sign of it, he was very well trained. Janeway wasn't quite sure what she was doing here - in principle she hated the idea that she could spy on her guests; although she understood the advantages of finding out about any potential threat to the ship.

Perhaps she wanted to know if Chakotay would discuss her proposition with Seska. Instinctively she felt the Bajoran woman was her enemy and it would be useful to have that confirmed, but she was also interested in Chakotay's response. There had been times when she had been convinced that she had got through to him, only to lose their tentative connection a moment later.

'Are you recording?' She asked, even though she knew it was procedure for all guests to have their movements recorded in this manner.

'Yes Captain, visual and audio.'

She nodded and tapped into one of the control panels so she could see for herself. At the moment little was going on, but as she watched Chakotay's door slid open and Seska walked slowly into the room. Feeling only vaguely guilty for watching them Janeway keyed in the command that would isolate and enlarge this particular recording.

She watched as Seska moved slowly around the room, fingertips drifting over surfaces, she even checked them for dust. 'Well, it s more luxurious than the Raven - I'll say that for it. How are we going to take her?'

'We're not.' Chakotay replied.

'But Chakotay...'

'We're going to leave tomorrow, get back to the Raven and carry on as though none of this ever happened - do you understand?' Even in a room at the other end of the corridor she could feel his intensity, but Seska seemed unmoved by the display. She circled him, coming to rest directly before him and reaching out to touch his tattoo with her hand. 'She really got to you - didn't she? Captain Kathryn Janeway?'

'I don't like ghosts - you know that.'

'I suppose I can see your point of view, but I'm here Chakotay, I can make everything all right. I've missed you.' Putting her hands on either side of his face Seska drew Chakotay to her and kissed him slowly. 'I've missed making love with you,' she breathed before drawing him back into the kiss.

She definitely ought to stop watching now, but Kathryn Janeway's eyes were glued to the screen. She wanted to look over her shoulder to make sure Ensign Parks couldn't see what she was watching - but she didn't.

Chakotay became rapidly more responsive, running his hands over Seska's body, caressing her breasts and then starting to unfasten her top. He seemed surprised but pleased when she pushed him back against the wall and then slipped to her knees before him, her fingers skillfully unfastening the belt and buckle of his trousers.

She was going to stop watching right now - really she was, only of course she didn't and Seska had pushed Chakotay's trousers down past his hips and was kneading and stroking his erection as her lips wandered along the tops of his thighs. His moan of absolute pleasure made Janeway shift uncomfortably in her chair - her own arousal the last thing she wanted to think about. As Seska playfully started to lick along Chakotay's erection his hands threaded into her hair, encouraging her.

That finally broke the spell and Kathryn Janeway slammed off the console and practically fled from the small observation room. As she passed the guest quarters on her way to the turbolift she couldn't help but hear moans coming from beyond one door and though she hurried past the sounds rang in her ears.

It was a pity she hadn't remained to watch for just a little longer. No doubt the moment when Chakotay's eyes, which had drifted shut in ecstacy, jerked open in shock would have interested her greatly. It was almost as though he were stunned to discover himself fantasising about someone else.

Kathryn's quarters were her refuge of choice. She should have gone off duty some hours ago but she had known that she would not manage to relax unless she spoke to Chakotay; now she had an entirely different problem when it came to relaxation.

Fortunately she was realistic and pragmatic enough to have a solution to that problem. She had realised some time ago that a sexual relationship with a member of her crew was rife with complications, that in fact, in a war forming attachments of any kind was probably not a wise course of action. And she was quite sure she wasn't the only Starfleet officer having sex with a hologram.

'Computer,' she rolled her shoulders and dispensed with her jacket, 'initiate personal programme Janeway epsilon 14 and notify the Bridge that I am now off duty unless there is an emergency.' As the hologram shimmered into existence she smiled with expectation, and then frowned as Michael stepped forward to greet her. 'Computer pause programme.' She had suddenly decided that she wanted to make a few amednments, 'increase height of character Michael Sullivan by four centimetres,' obediently the change was made, 'now give him a slightly more muscular physique and change the hair colour to a darkr brown.'

She paused to view her handiwork, Michael was taller, heavier and the darker hair colour made him look less Irish. She considered her next course of action carefully, wondering why it ha never mattered before, why she wanted to make this change now. 'Now give me access to behavioural subroutines, I want him to be more assertive, more sexually inventive.'

The computer chirrped and informed her that it needed further data to initiate that change, almost as though it was shocked by her actions and was checking to see if she really wanted to go ahead. Well, right now she did - whcih involved telling the computer that she wanted Michael to know and understand the teaching of the Kamasutra and the Betazoid Th'auna - their 'Book of Love'.

Satasfied at last she announced 'resume programme and waited to see what would happen. Her initial perspective was that she was in for a very interesting night. Michael's first words to her were, 'I want to touch you until you scream with pleasure.'

Part 10