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Interview with Lord Necron of Thornspawn

Lady Sony Estrella and Lord Necron talk about tight-assed religion, how Sony doesn't act like a moron....and Lord Necron gets fixated on my big........


Ok, first of all I'd like to say thanks for taking the time to do this.

No problem

My first question is, how come you chose the name "Lord Necron"?

Because it can be equated to Lord of the Dead

Is there a specific reason you are wearing corpsepaint for your band? What, in your opinion, does the corpsepaint project to your fans, and why do you want this emotion/feeling projected outwards?

Corpsepaint when used by sick individuals represents the inner hate and disgust we have for this Christian society! We choose images of blasphemy and hate.

Please describe your band's compositions, and explain why they matter in a world full of music. What makes your band stick out from the crowd?

We write music with conviction behind it. We are not just trying to be the next Emperor or something of that nature. We write for fullfillment of ourselves 1st and foremost. We play black metal in the true sense of the ancient ways. No modern trends are involved in it.

And now for Dumb Question Number One!
Are you confronted often about your religious preference?

Not really. Most of my friends and family know what are my thoughts are on this subject.

Do they accept your thoughts? Do they ever try to "convert" you, or harass you about your beliefs?

Well I know they don't like them. But they respect my point of view. They do not freak out that I am anti-Christian. Everyone has a to each his own thought on religious beliefs. The true enemie is the Christian Right. They are the ones that want to control fucking society in their hypocritical belief system.

I must say, you are one of the lucky ones. My dad shits himself even when I wear anything remotely "evil-looking" such as a black shirt, black makeup or anything black, I get all kinds of crap from him.

He is under the spell of the Christian Right. They fucking create a herd mentality.

Do you expect to be making music in 20 years? Do you think blackmetal music will even be around at that time?

I don't know about me. But some form of black metal will be there as long as Christianity is around.

Do you mind spending time doing an interview for some small zine placed in Idaho done by some kid that only 10 or 15 people will eventually see?

No becuase you don't act like a moron.

Oh wow! Thanks! That really means alot coming from someone older than me.

You're welcome

What is the philosophy behind Thornspawn?

Death to Posers, Hate for the Status Quo, Crush the Christians.

If you were stranded on a desert island and you could bring only three items/persons with you, who or what would you bring?

My stereo, my woman, my gun

I usually never have a follow-up question for this....then again I never ask this question *laughs*....but if there was nobody around except you and your woman, why would you need your gun?

In case anyone fucks with us. or keep her in line *laughs*

Uh...with that in mind, I hope she doesn't read this *chuckles nervously*

Me neither *laughs*

Have you ever shit yourself on stage? (stage fright, that is)

Fuck no. That type of shit is for pussies

You've never been afraid to face the stage??


Is there anything you'd like to ask me?

How big are your ..........



*laughs loudly*

Got ya!

They reach from my wrist to my fingertip. I don't know I never measured.*laughs*

What attracts you to metal?

Probably the fact that it's more original than most of the crap the radios play nowadays, the fact that the metal scene, especially underground metal, works harder than the mainstream scene, where everyone does the work for the bands, and the bands bitch if their fruit basket doesn't have cherries or some shit like that...and I know this is a dumb answer...but...the guys. Any female out there has to admit metal guys are the HOTTEST! (Why else do you think most metal guys are married?)

That's all the questions I have for you. Any final comments?

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