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Interview with Azazel and James of Beheaded Bitch

Azazel, an entrepeneur of the underground metal scene, if you will, has done it again! He and James, along with a few others, formed a thrash metal band from the ashes of many other bands, including Ominous and Mucous Membrane, but only two of the five original lineup remained, fortunately Az was able to get some others (The man has connections!).
Their first album, Where Hypocrisy Dwells, will be out next month.
You might remember Azazel from such interviews as last year's Ancestor.

So Azazel, what made you decide to start a side project, even though at the time not only were you a guitarist, vocalist, producer, zine writer and a reviewer, among other things?
A.I wanted to do this band, because I had some song that didn't really fit into the Ancestor song frame.
James, Is it true that Azazel is a real hardass during recording?
J: he is at times but its understandable to a certain degree because he wants to make it all sound good.
I understand. I asked this because I've heard all sorts of horror stories about Azazel in the studio from many who shall remain nameless
J: yeah, his other bandmates warned me beforehand (laughs)
How did you guys feel about having to spend over a month or so to record your first album?
A.I got annoyed over it, because of certain members only being availible on the weekends. I hate taking such a long time in the studio.
J: i agree with azazel it did get annoying but hopefully with the new line up everyone can commit more
Do you think Beheaded Bitch will become the next Rolling Stones? (longetivity wise)
A.I hope we'll be around for awhile, but I don't want to worry about the future. I just want to take it one day at a time.
Azazel, do you see yourself having sordid love affairs with Brazilian models about 40 years from now?
A.(Laughs) I don't know. I doubt it.
J: if he has more than one, i want a couple (laughs)
A: (laughs)
James, Ask Azazel about Behind the Music *snickers*
A.Oh no!!
*laughs loudly* If Az doesnt' tell you, I'll tell you at the end of this interview. Speaking of which, James, where do you see yourself 40 years from now?
J; 40 years from now? i dont know alive i hope (laughs)
Is there anything you both do besides music?
J: i work in construction when i'm not actve with music. i have a girlfriend and i like to hang out with friends if that's what youre asking.
A: Music is all I do as you know, but I do have other interesting that I do on what down time I can manage that would be interests
Like having sordid affairs with Brazilian models?
J: yummy (laughs)
How do you think Ancestor fans will react to your new project?
A: I hope they like it. If they don't then they don't. You can't make everybody happy, you know?
James, what did Az have to do to get you in the band?
J: after he played me the rough 4 track demos he made i couldnt say no because the music is really good and i wanted to do it. plus i had to wear a dress(laughs) i'm kidding about the dress!!!(laughs)
I should hope so, We need no more Twiggy Ramirezes in the music world!
(All three laugh)
When is the album going to be out? Do you have an exact date?
A: Septemeber. I forgot the actual day though.
Azazel, how were you able to get Satania in Beheaded Bitch, due to the reason she had to leave Ancestor?
A.Satania wanted to play in a band again, and I felt that since we were looking for new members, why not, you know?
Well if you ever need a keyboarder for whatever reason, I can play with my eyes closed ...heh heh..oh what's the use.
A.Not in Beheaded Bitch. We'll never use a keyboard.
James, what kind of music do you listen to that no one would expect you to?
J: i really only listen to metal no other type of music really.
J: no other music really lights my fire like metal does
Now that's interesting. Even Azazel, the KING of metal *snorks* has a sort of variety
J: azazel does have metal knowledge thats for sure
Which reminds me, since I have no more questions after this, Azazel, what's this song called? The chorus only goes "I'm going through changes" twice and goes into this high strings note and it's by Ozzy Osbourne
A: The song is called "Changes" and it's by Black Sabbath.
Oh, heh. Well, with that ...Do you guys have any final words?
A: Thanks for the interview, and be sure to get our debut Where Hypocrisy Dwells in a month's time. After that we're releasing an EP in February or March which will contain a few new songs and a few covers.
J: thanks for the interview. it was nice meeting you, you are funny. buy where hypocrisy dwells and stay metal!

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