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Angelfire Free Home Pages WhoWhere? People Finder

This Page is Dedcated To My Father,Mother,and Sister Who All Passed at an Early Age

Who are we? Why are we here? We are "The Circle of Friends", made from a chain. A chain without an end!!! A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out"

And To These People Who In Some Way Have Touched Our Lifes !!!!!!!!!

Elvis The King 6 Fire Fighters THE MAN Frank Sinatra
Dr.Martin Luther King Sammy Davis jr. Jackie Kennedy
Marilyn Monroe Jonbenet Ramsey JFK.Family Tree
Memorial for

The Alaska Flight

Victims of Terrosist

Attack on USA


Up Dated 04/03/2002

Dont Forget To Sign my Guest Book

My Music Page ViVa Las_Vegas