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Understanding your thoughts
Stories from the Jericho Road

JoePanic.com - resources

Below is a list of the books, authors, articles and resourses that influenced my thoughts and writings in this web site:


* Don't Panic - R. Reid Wilson Ph. D.
* From panic to power - Lucinda Bassett
* The secret of letting go - Guy Finley
* Telling yourself the truth - William Backus, Marie Chapian
* Peace is every step - Thich Nhat Hanh
* The different drum - M. Scott Peck M.D
* As for me and my house - Walter Wangerin Jr.
* Celebration of Discipline - Richard Foster
* Freedom of Simplicity - Richard Foster
* Feeling Good - David D. Burns M.D.
* Anxiety and panic attacks - Robert Handly
* Anxiety, phobias and panic - Reneau Z. Peirifoy MA, MFCC
* Experiencing God - Henry T. Blackaby, Claude B. King
* First things First - Stephen R. Covey
* Real Moments - Barbara DeAngelis, Ph.D.
* Things that go bump in the night - Dr. Paul Warren, Dr,. Frank Minirth
* The Feeling Good Handbook - David D. Burns M.D
* The road less traveled, M. Scott Peck, M.D.
* The road less traveled and beyond - M Scott Peck, M.D.
* Further along the road less traveled - M. Scott Peck, M.D.
* Freedom from the ties that bind - Guy Finley
* The seven laws of spiritual success - Deepak Chopra
* Wherever you go there you are - Jon Kabat - Zinn
* The secret way of wonder - Guy Finley
* The lost secrets of prayer - Guy Finley
* Seeker's guide to self-freedom - Guy Finley
* Tired of trying to measure up - Jeff VanVonderen
* Families where grace is in place - Jeff VanVonderen
* When God's people let you down - Jeff VanVonderen
* The subtle power of Spiritual abuse - Jeff VanVonderen
* Telling each other the truth - William Backus
* Teaching children to tell themselves the truth - William Backus
* The anxiety cure - Robert L. DuPont M.D.
* Inside out - Dr. Larry Crabb
* Feel the fear and do it anyway - Susan Jeffers - Ph.D.
* Emotional Intelligence - Daniel Goleman
* No death, no fear - Thich Nhat Hanh
* First things first - Stephen R. Covey
* The power of now - Eckhart Tolle
* Flow - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - 1990
* Reviving Ophelia - Mary Pipher, Ph.D. 1994
* My Utmost for His highest - Oswald Chambers
* Worship - a way of life - Patrick Kavanaugh, 2001
* Professional guide to diseases - 5th Edition - Springhouse, 1995
* New family medical guide - Meredith Corp. 1982
* Finding the love of your life - Neil Clark Warren, Ph. D.
* The purpose driven life - Rick Warren, 2002
* Called to Greatness - Ron Hutchcraft - 2001
* Blue Like Jazz - Donal Miller
* Searching for God knows what - Donald miller
* To own a dragon - Donald Miller
* Through Painted deserts - Donald Miller
* The Myth of a Christian nation - Gregory A. Boyd
* The Emotionally Healthy Church - Peter Scazzero
* The Life you've always wanted - John Ortberg
* Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire - Jim Cymbala
* The greatest salesman in the world - Og Mandino
* Rob Bell's "NOOMA" series dvds
* The Bible


* How to think clearer - By Earl Ubell - Parade Magazine, 1984
* Pain of Shyness can lead to Isolation - Thrity Umrigar - Knight Ridder Newspapers, 1998
* How to cope with difficult people - Dianne Hales, Robert Hales M.D. - Parade Magazine, 1995
* The Science of anxiety - Christine Gorman - Time Magazine, 2002
* Are you too anxious?/What you can do - Jeffrey Kluger - Time Magazine, 2002
* Fear Not! - Jeffrey Kluger - Time Magazine, 2001
* Anxiety disorder update - Jeffrey Paul Kahn, M.D. - Newsweek.msnbc.com
* Terror Strikes Young - ABCnews.com, 2001
* Our bodies our fears - Geoffrey Cowley - Newsweek, 2003
* Coping with Anxiety - Claudia Kaln - Newsweek, 2003
* Just say Om - Joel Stein - Time Magazine, 2003
* Mature Media, immature viewers - Stephanie Dunnewind, Seattle Times 2004
* Conquering our phobias - Marianne Szegedy-Maszak - U.S. News and World Report, 2004
* Medicating shyness and fear - Kyung M. Song - Seattle Times 2004
* Brain Check (Newsweek) Herbert Benson M.D., Julie Corliss, Geoffrey Cowley - 2004
* Thought Mending - Los Angeles Times - Benedict Carey - 2004
* When parents are too hands-on - Seattle Times - Stephanie Dunnewind - 2004
* Stress can ravage the body - USA Today - Kathleen Frakelmann - 2005
* Parenting with personality - Seattle Times - Stephanie Dunnewind 2006

People Resources

* David Penner Ph.D.
* Grant Martin Ph.D.

- there were many other "messengers" who have shared with me their wisdom and insight. To all of the authors above and of course the Master Author, Jesus Christ, "I thank you."

- dean krippaehne