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none This is a client-side image map. If you wish to use it, then just put your mouse over the image and right click, then select "save picture as", then upload it to your server. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you keep the image name the same, it is also VERY IMPORTANT that you not change anything in this code except to add your e-mail address, the path to the image and your site ID. If any of the coordinate numbers are changed, it WILL NOT work.

Now here's the code for the image map. ONLY change your e-mail address, the path to the image at the end and in the six places where it says "--id--" delete all of that and put in your site ID.

<MAP NAME="dragonwood">

<AREA SHAPE="Rect" HREF="" COORDS="173,192,359,233">

<AREA SHAPE="Rect" HREF="mailto:YOUR_E-MAIL" COORDS="3,72,156,87">

<AREA SHAPE="Rect" HREF=";id=--id--;prev" COORDS="3,3,78,19">

<AREA SHAPE="Rect" HREF=";id=--id--;next" COORDS="80,3,156,19">

<AREA SHAPE="Rect" HREF="http://;id=--id--;sprev" COORDS="3,38,78,53">

<AREA SHAPE="Rect" HREF="http://;id=--id--;skip" COORDS="80,38,156,53">

<AREA SHAPE="Rect" HREF=";id=--id--;prev5" COORDS="3,20,78,36">

<AREA SHAPE="Rect" HREF=";id=--id--;next5" COORDS="80,20,156,35">

<AREA SHAPE="Rect" HREF=";random" COORDS="3,55,78,69">

<AREA SHAPE="Rect" HREF=";list" COORDS="80,55,156,69">

<IMG USEMAP="#dragonwood" SRC="PATH_TO_IMAGE/dragonwood.jpg" border=3 color="#819478">
