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Bridle Path Farms

Bridle Path Farm

Here at Bridle Path Farms (BPFarms), we have beautiful property. Acres of rolling hills, lush, green pastures, and weaving trails through the dense forest. We have spacious box stalls, and 1 small indoor arena, and 1 large indoor arena, 1 large outdoor arena, and 1 outdoor round pen (great for making a horse bend). We have 2 hotwalkers, and 2 tack rooms in each barn. We have a feed room in each barn, and cement aisles. Each barn is spaced along the dirt road, and surrounded by grass. There are white fences, with electric wire for the stallions only. Each horse gets special care, and is trained by the best trainers. I, am the head trainer. We breed horses here too. The stall fee for breeding a mare is free, and the stallions are all top of the line horses. The have all had extensive training, and have great bloodlines. We train all horses. But, we will not breed our stallion to a horse that was sired by him, or was her grandsire. We do this so no inbreeding will accure.
Stud Barn
Broodmare Barn
Performance Barn
Foal Barn
Training Barn
BPFarms Jobs
BPFarms Training Program
BPFarms Horses 4 Sale
BPFarms Main Office
BPFarms Show Arena
