Common tactics used by Law Enforcement Officer's when they have made a traffic stop: The Officer is trained to take extreme caution when making a vehical stop, So basically, He thinks you're a nutcase with a gun, and as he's got you at gunpoint screaming to see your hands you are probably thinking the same thing about him. Straight up, If he's got you at gunpoint and you are innocent, get out of the car and cooperate to a full extent. You may have a gaint lawsuit against them on your hands, depending on the circumstances. If you are guilty & you plan on running, do it so you know you'll get away. Unless you're really close to the mexican boarder or you are being follow by one cruiser your chances of getting away in a car chase are slim. (Remember: Cops love high speed chases, you'll have every cop in town on your ass, and when you leave town you'll have every cop in the next town on your ass, and if you're not blessed with a news camera around, everyone of those cops will help "detain" you when the chase comes to an end...ouch..) When an Officer makes a routine traffic stop he approaches the drivers side window, asking for your lisence and registration, if you do not appear drunk, under the influence of drugs & if you do not act suspicious the officer will most likely return to his vehical to call in your information. The dispatcher will respond with your information, if your lisence is active, your car properly registered, and you have no warrants out for your arrest he will probably give you a ticket or warning and let you go. If he thinks you have been drinking, doing drugs, or thinks you are acting suspicious he will not leave your window. The Officer may ask questions such as "Where are ya coming from tonight?" It's not smart to respond with something like "From a party" "From a friends house" "Just driving around" Think of something intelligent that may change his view of you, if he's asking too many questions he finds you suspicious. "My aunt died last week, My mom was on the verge of a nervous breakdown" something stupid like that, but make it sound convincing. Don't say you just came from church at 2:00 am, Think before you speak, but be quick with your answers, Officers watch for delays in your responses, remember they are trained to spot a liar, but are also pro's at lying. Okay, Maybe the Officer wants to search your car, He may have called another Officer, possibly to intimidate you or just a procedure they have to follow, If the Officer asks you to search you car you have the right to say NO. He is only asking because he has to, he is looking for a reason to bust you for something, he doesn't just want to check out the nice interior in your car. If you refuse consent to search your car and he does anyway you should contact a lawyer and explain the situation to him immediately, The lawyer will find out if the Officer had probable cause to search it and if he didn't any charges against you will be dropped and charges may be filed against the Officer that made the search. If you accidently slip and give the Officer permission to search your vehical and as he is, you suddenly remember that bong your friend left under the seat of your car. ShiT! You will be charged with it. No questions asked, no answers given, don't bother crying about how it's "your friends" that just gives them entertainment while they are writting up your summons for court. While the Officer is searching your car he may make wise comments such as "Any Handguns, Drugs, Granaids or bombs in here?" He's studying your response, someone that had nothing to hide in his/her vehical would probably react with a giggle or laugh, someone who knew they had something to hide would respond with a quick no or may appear uneasy. If the cop is being a total dickhead and you know you're going to get charged with something, don't kiss his ass, don't answer his questions, and let him know you know your rights. Most cops will try and make you feel like a minority, they will try and appear superior to you and often try and intimadate you. Often there body language expresses hostility, They try and appear tough, as if to let you know they are on the verge of arresting you. They use the tone of their voice to confuse and make you comply to their demands. If you've ever been held at gun point by a red-faced screaming cop with a gun, you know what i mean. The fact is, a cop can't shoot you. But for Gods sake don't give them probable cause, don't go putting your hands in your pockets as you are running off or towards an officer, don't bust out a gun at any time unless you are a hella good shooter and can withstand multipul gun wounds. If you're gonna run, don't be intimidated by being surrounded by several cops with guns, they can't shoot you for just running. And from personal experience, make sure your shoes are tied tight, i've lost mine one too many

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