Site hosted by Build your free website today! principles of interactive language teaching. Two way interactive sound on a standalone Macintosh platform The Internet in Language Teaching A selection of articles and papers relating to computer assisted language learning and educational technology which are available online. mau cari paper dibawah ini

A HyperStudio 3.0 tutorial for ESL students and instructors! The tutorial is an easy to use manual with pictorials that illustrate every step for producing your first multimedia projects. This site takes an ESL focus, but this series of tutorials is great for any beginning user!

Multimedia in the Foreign Language Classroom. It includes a wonderful archive of classroom technology success stories. This one, by Barbara Andrews, discusses the benefits of using HyperStudio in the foreign language classroom.

This site is about Ohio University Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Lab. It has many interesting information for language teachers and learners. The English (ESL/EFL) site has great online activity exercises and activities for all language skills: Grammar, reading, writing, vocabulary, listening, and speaking. Students also can practice for specific English language tests such as TOEFL and other standardized tests.

This article tells first time experience in the classroom for a student teacher trying to apply what she was taught. She shares how her college students who were learning to use Reading Strategies could implement these strategies more effectively when they were online and could give and get feedback.

This site is helpful for teachers in general. It offers advises such as finding their ways around by finding out from fellow teachers what the best web sites are to use. Some important teaching sites are offered at the end of this article.

This site shows how other cultures come live for foreign language students when using multimedia. The author of this article shows how networked information and desktop authoring tools provide new resources for foreign language teacher which make their classes challenging and exciting.

How can networks do that other media can not? The author suggests that we should always work through the question of why use e-mail or the World Wide Web when another medium might do the job. He also suggests ways to use e-mail either with or without the World Wide Web (WWW).

This site is called " the ESL Café Bookstore". It deals with literacy and computers, approaches to computer writing classrooms, and other issues that deal with computer assisted language learning (CALL). This site also has a drop-down list that has many ESL/EFL activities.

This web site provides access to a wide variety of information about computer assisted language electronic journals (CALL E-J), CALL and TESOL links, software resources, and virtual CALL library which aims to be a central point of access to CALL software on the internet which is available for downloading.

I found this DigiEnglish CALL Research to be one of the valuable sites related to computers and language teaching and learning. The menu has great information such as journals, bibliographies, articles, CALL projects, CALL researchers, CALL courses, and CALL links and resources.

Claire Bradin designs this web site. She is one of the CALL researchers at Michigan State University. It has great information about technology and its usage in EFL/ESL teaching and learning.

These are resources for integrating technology into the language curriculum. It contains a journal for second & foreign language educators, oral language archive of foreign language dialogs, samples of language courses on the web, new &media, pedagogical information, professional information, grammar and vocabulary usage, and some practices in different languages.

This web site is for the International Association for Language Learning Technology. It is a professional organization dedicated to promoting effective uses of media centers for language teaching, learning, and research. It has links to resources for using technology in language teaching and learning.

This site gives English students and teachers online access to relevant materials, services, and products. It has TOEFL test practice, CALL software, CALL research, books &teaching aids, professional organizations, software survey instrument and other links and information.

This is a research that discusses the importance of vocabulary in foreign language learning. Then discusses the role of educational technology and presents methods of implementing it in various types of schools. Further more, it explores aspects of using computers and video in the classroom together with the presentation of a number of activities for the classroom use. Finally, it shows how computers and video can be combined simultaneously within one teaching unit.

This M.A. thesis investigates the use of computer in teaching and testing writing and reading skills using word processing programs. This thesis doesn't not consist only of theory, but it is also a record of the researcher experience in using computers with real students and in a real classroom.

This paper is about teaching and practicing writing skills using word processing programs. The author presents how it is possible to introduce word processing to students in the form of guidance and practice. It demonstrates the most stimulating activities he used to introduce some basic functions of a word processor and shows some of the exercises, which enabled his students to practice guided and free writing.

These are online electronic journals related to computer assisted language learning (CALL). They are o interest to both teachers and learners. They have some excellent articles and reviews, including software reviews.

This web site is called " voice of the shuttle: Technology of writing page. It is one of the greatest sties which, has a huge information on conference calls, research on hypertext, publishing and technology, computers and composition, and much more.

This thesis describes the slow integration of computer technologies in the composition classroom; explores the theoretical background that drives the movement toward a more comprehensive computer-aided pedagogy at all levels of writing instruction.

This is a computer assisted language learning (CALL) &TESOL links which has bibliographies, CALL links and resources, CALL projects, CALL software publishers, journals, articles, and many more information.

This site has many interesting links related to technology and language learning such as desktop videoconferencing, distant learning and teaching,, on-line periodicals for language educator, and computer assisted language learning.

This thesis is about the Internet as and educational tool in ESOL writing instruction. Based on the findings, conclusions are drawn and recommendations made for maximizing the educational benefits, and minimizing the limitations, of using the Internet in the ESOL writing classroom to develop the confidence and writing ability of students.

This pilot study investigated the effects of multimedia reading software on reading comprehension. Participants read a text under one of three conditions: full glossing, limited glossing, or no glossing. In addition, a tracker was set up in the software to record the amount and type of glosses and length of time that each was consulted. Pedagogical suggestions for second language (L2) teaching and research are discussed.

In this paper, authors discuss how L2 reading research is focusing increasingly on the cognitive processes involved in reading, that is, the interaction of lower-level, bottom-up processes such as vocabulary acquisition with higher-level, top-down processes such as activating prior knowledge. They combine this knowledge with current research on learning with multimedia, focusing on how learners integrate verbal and visual information, particularly with respect to the individual differences among learners that moderate, if not determine, learning processes.

This is unpublished thesis that investigates if readers used different reading strategies to complete a cloze task on computer ("on-line") and on paper ("off-line"). The participants were eight native speakers of English who had completed an advance level in French in England. The results showed that there were no significant differences between the strategies they used.

  • Articles

  • 6-Warschauer, M. (1996). Computer-assisted language learning: An introduction. In S. Fotos (Ed.) Multimedia language teaching (pp. 3-20). Tokyo, Japan: Logos International.

    This article provides brief overview of how computers have been used and are being used for language teaching. This article is more concerned with the pedagogical issues that teachers have examined in their classrooms rather than a technical description of hardware and software. The CALL in this article is divided into four phases:

    1. Behavioristic CALL, 2- Communicative CALL, 3- Steps toward Integrative CALL: Multimedia, and 4- Steps toward Integrative CALL: The Internet

    7-Warschauer, M. (1996). Comparing face-to-face and electronic discussion in the second language classroom. CALICO Journal 13(2), 7-26

    This study compares the equality of student participation in two modes: Face-to-face discussion and electronic discussion. The findings showed increase in students’ participations in the computer mode.

    8-Chun D., & Plass J. (1996). Effects of multimedia annotations on vocabulary a acquisition. MLJ 80(2).

    This article discusses the results of three studies done with 160 university German students using CyberBuch, a hypermedia application for reading German texts that contains a variety of annotations for words in the form of text, pictures, and video. The findings showed significantly higher scores for words that were annotated with pictures + text than for those with video + text or text only.

    9-Kern R. (1995). Restructuring classroom interaction with networked computers: effect on quantity and characteristics of language production. MLJ 79(4).

    This study describes the use of Daedalus InterChange, a local area computer network application, to facilitate communicative language use through synchronous, written classroom interaction. Two groups were compared on the same topic. Students had over twice as many turns, produced two to four times more sentences, and used a much greater variety of discourse functions when working in InterChange than they did in their oral discourse.

    10- Warschauer, M. (1996). Motivational aspects of using computers for writing and communication. Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center.

    This study is a survey investigating the attitude toward using computers of 167 ESL and EFL students in 12 university academic writing courses in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the U.S. The findings showed had a positive attitude toward using computers and that this attitude was consistent across a number of variables, including gender, typing skill, and access to a computer at home.

    11- Nutta, Joyce (1998). Is computer-based grammar instruction as effective as teacher-directed grammar instruction for teaching L2 structures? CALICO 16 (1) 49-62.

    This study compare postsecondary English as a second language (ESL) students’ acquisitions of selected grammar structures based on the method computer-based grammar instruction as opposed to teacher-directed grammar instruction. The results showed that students scored higher on open-ended tests. There were no significant differences on multiple choice or fill-in the blank tests.

    12- Piolat, A., Roussey, J., & Thunin, O. (1997). Effects of screen presentation on text reading and revising. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 47(4) 566-589

    This study assesses the effect of two types of text presentation (Page-by-page vs. scrolling) on participants’ performance while reading and revising texts. The study shows that participants do better work when the screen displays the texts in a page format rather than scrolling

    13- Chun D., & Plass J. (1997). Research on text comprehension in multimedia environment. Language Learning & Technology. 1 (1) 60-81

    In this paper they discuss how L2 reading research is focusing increasingly on the cognitive processes involved in reading, that is, the interaction of lower-level, bottom-up processes such as vocabulary acquisition with higher-level, top-down processes such as activating prior knowledge. The authors of this paper summarize research results in L2 reading comprehension and text comprehension with multimedia, and synthesize these findings into a model of L2 reading comprehension with multimedia. They then review the research questions currently asked by scholars working in the field and derive new and more specific research questions.

    14- Levy, Mike (1996). A rationale for teacher education and CALL: the holistic view and its implications. Computers and the Humanities. 30(4)293- 310

    In this article Levy explores Ide's two Views (1989) through a review of the literature and through an international survey on CALL materials development conducted by the author in 1991 (Levy, 1994). On this basis, and given the insufficiency of holistic courses in CALL, a rationale for a CALL course with a holistic orientation is presented.

    15- Gousie, Laurent (1998). New methods and tools for teaching foreign languages. T H E Journal (Technological Horizons In Education) 25(9) 54-63.

    This article introduces new technology in foreign language teaching including CD-ROMs, CDs, hypertext cards, laser disks and the Internet. The author asserted that these technologies complement the language labs and will not replace them.

    16- Hogan-Brun,Gabriel & Whittle, Ruth (1997). The potential of multi-media for foreign language learning: a critical evaluation. Computers and the Humanities 31 (5) 451-(7)

    The authors of this article describe and analyze the didactic dimensions to be considered when designing a multi-media tool, based on their own experience as software authors and language trainers. They assert that Multimedia only do little without pedagogical and learning strategy.

    17-Bull, Sussan(1997). Promoting Effective Learning Strategy Use in CALL. Computer Assisted Language Learning: An International Journal 10 (1).

    This Article overviews the research done in the field of language learning strategies, focusing on both general research and the treatment of learning strategies in computer assisted language learning (CALL).

    18- Cliff Liao Yuen-kuang,(1997) Effects of Hypermedia Versus Traditional Instruction on Students’ Achievement: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Research on Computing in Education. 30 (4)341-360.

    In this study, instruction with Hypermedia was compared with instruction in traditional ways. This study finding suggest that the effects of using hypermedia in instruction are positive when compared to the effects of traditional instruction. The study also provides classroom teachers with accumulated research-based evidence for positive outcomes of using technology in instruction.

    19- Wetzel, Keith & Chisholm, Ines(1997) An Evaluation of Technology Integration in Teacher Education for Bilingual and English as a Second Language Education Majors. Journal of Research on Computing in Education.30 (4)379-398

    This article describes evaluates two courses required for English as a second language (ESL) and bilingual education (BLE) majors. The results shows that beginning teachers gained confidence in their ability to integrate technology into ESL and BLE language arts classrooms. Beginning teachers perceived the course objectives as valuable; however, they reported that they had not completely achieved the objectives. The authors suggested some changes that could be made to such a course.

    SRI has applied DECIPHER technology to teaching and testing language skills. SRI's systems permit students to respond by speaking. The Voice Interactive Language Instruction (VILI) system presents scenarios to students and trains them in speaking, listening, and reading in English or Spanish.
    This page will help you find places on the internet to interact with other people for the purpose of language learning. There are several types of interaction possibly on the internet.
    MOOs, MUD's,MUSHes IRC- Internet Relay Chat Real Audio Maven (audio conferencing) Cu-SeeMe (video conferencing)
    This guide provides a starting point for language teachers interested in adding interactivity to their own or student-generated Web pages.
    Software, hardware, and other language teaching technology. You may also want to check our pages on general technology & language teaching, computer lab planning, software archives and publishers for many languages, or student- and teacher-published web material
    The Interactive Learning Centre, located at the Department of French at The University of Toronto in canada is a Research Centre dedicated to the study of applied linguistics as related to information technology in order to develop Multimedia language tools for self-learning or distance learning.
    In an effort to help students to acquire this intuition we have developed a World Wide Web (WWW) based Interactive Language Teaching Tool (WILT), and web classroom environment. Students and teachers can utilize WILT to dynamically generate exercises based on the type or types of grammatical structures that they are interested in studying. Currently, our implementation is limited to present-tense French verbs taken from a collection of 1880 classic French texts (circa 120 million words).



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    Paper Computers and Writing Conference Using Interactive Internet Technology for Language Learning Kari Alho Casper Lassenius Ruth Vilmi E-mail has revolutionized academic research and teaching recently.