History of the S.G. [Smithy Gang]
Well it started with the creation of Smithy. He learned have other lifeforms and soon created robots. He was so smart that unlike humans he learned how the exit the planet he was born on [go in space] in about a hundred years. [Which that planet about the same gravity as Earth. He attched Mushroom Kingdom [not to far from about 20 to 50 years later [also learned Light Speed by then]. [In SMRPG] Though he had a created a mom named Grithy and grandma named Writhy [about year after the failure they had at Mushroom Kingdom] later but something went screwy and made them a pain in the butt. About a century later they learned Hyper Speed and made Exor more powerful [about a mile long] and found more planets to own. Later [a century ] he learned Warp speed 10 and made Exor even more powerful [10 miles long]. Also making more Blades [200 square feet with a speed of Warp 2] and with the main Blade that the Axem Rangers used [800 square feet with a speed of Warp 4] and other wing ships used by henchmen [with a speed of Hyper speed]. Which there was better wing ships used by Smithy and his subdorinates [speed of Warp 1-3]. About 1 century later [which is now] with the facts about the ships in the SCG Space ships. With also a twin-sister ship of Exor made named Exodus. Any other updates to there technology would be put here

History of the L.O.T. (League of Thieves)
It started with a young chap named Croco. Croco started out a good life willing to dedicate his life to athletic needs such as racing. He began racing at age 9 and at age 16 was the fastest creature alive. Ready to put his running to good or bad use he gave up being good and began to be a little bit of a thief, using his skills to run from the police. At age 24 he became stealing everything he didn't have especially valuable green coins. When caught up to by speedy Mario TWICE in two different robberies it finally clicked in how to make real money. At the moment he had little followers like Crooks and Sackits, he needed a gang. A big gang, mob, club, group, council, whatever you wanna call it of about 50! He of course would be the head of a new league of villainly called the L.O.T (League of Thieves). Croco rounded up rejected criminals like Valentina, Dodo, the Koopalings (without letting their father know they were in a gang), and even Smithy Gang members like the punky Axem Rangers. He even got people like food psycho Belome and just plain psycho Booster. Croco made lots of money because they were stealing him stuff that is worth more than what Croco pays them. With enough money to by a country the lot I mean L.O.T. bought a castle in Bean Valley and called it the Big Bad Building for Baddies or the Quadrouple B Center. Wanting more chances to make more money the big gang built a BOOSTER BAZILLION out of stolen metal and fuel that could increase there life span by thousands which even interested Smithy. So they got together and made a page which is what you be on right now! Expect to see the L.O.T. in the year 2784, if you live that long. LONG LIVE THE SMRPG Super Spot!

Mario: One day the Stork was carrying two kids, Mario and Luigi. Kamek, Baby Bowser's main Magikoopa and babysitter saw in the future the trouble they're gonna have with the Koopas. So he got on his broom and took Luigi right from the stork and Mario fell on a Yoshi's back and they fought and there way to rescue Luigi from Bowser. They got them to Brooklyn where they became plumbers. They found a pipe and went down it and saw Bowser (except he is grown up) They know a little bit about him so they found a pipe to the Mushroom Kingdom. They had a lot of fights against Bowser where they save the Princess but the suprising one is in SMRPG where they team up against Smithy, Croco, Mack, etc. IT was tough but their power with the stars and some weapons, armor, etc. they beat them all. Bowser reclaimed his castle which they stole from him and began scheming on kidnapping the Princess again!

Geno: It is unknown of how he was born.  He's the guardian of the Star Road and only he with the other guardians know how to use the Star Road's power. The main star can be broken up into 7 peices. They have power the guardians can use singally but all 7 is where it's true power comes in. Though when the Smithy Gang crashed through it, it captured a lot of guardians and a lot didn't survive. They didn't know about the Star pieces at the time until one of Bowyer's flunkies told the Smithy Gang and even Croco about it. The Smithy Gang decided to get those and since the others were too damaged except Geno, they would some way get Geno to use the power of the stars why Smithy and Croco tried to find them. They though Smithy was defeated but he had other plans with Croco Ha! Ha! Now they rule this web page that not even Geno can shut down

Bowyer:Bowyer was born in the forest on one of the Smithy Gang's planents called Rainier. They were doing an experiment with mixtures of bugs, worms and weapons such as bows and arrows. Somehow the voices Nya! Nya! came out and then a accident happended and they formed together in a way of having a baby. We had a new troop but he was totally insane. Which the Smithy Gange took pride in since they always wanted a weirdo on their team. Bowyer got GREAT AIM and used it by in what he really likes which is arrows and the Factory Chief decided to make arrow soldiers for him. It was much stranger than his other troops soldiers like Mack's Shyster's and Yaridovich's Drill Bits. He sooner developed the ability to turn off certain power's from his enemies. But he usually does when the fight is unfair to him or in other terms outnumbered, or if he gets angry and doing bad. He has some trouble in grammer but we prefer him that way. Hey doesn't eevry badguy need a complete weirdo which kind of makes the team more humorous? He is not very emotional. Although when we attack the earth we gave Bowyer the job at the Forest Maze since he likes forests so much and that was his birth place, which we decided for his good aim to shoot arrows at that near town. It would be hard for anybody to find him since it is a maze but Mario, Mallow, and Geno got to him and defeated him. Luckily one of his arrows could tell everyone about the Star Raod and how Bowyer lost in the maze so we had to make a world wide search for him. After we lost we recovered Bowyer who wanted to kill Geno, the one who spoiled it all for him (since he led Mario to him and did most of the damage toward him had amazingly Bowyer was vengeful and had anger which is weird because Bowyer is not very e-motional. He swore revenge and with Smithy's and Croco's help he may just pay him back one day

If anybody has there own history on characters I'll be happy to put them on my page. E-mail me, Smithy at with your history on the character and if you like I will include your e-mail address with it.
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