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Personal News Update

Iria Blinking
On this page you'll find the latest happenings about me. If you have any suggestions, you can E-Mail
I'll soon join the Army again, but you should still get in contact with me via Email. I will try to get connected as soon as I arrive to my next location, and update (post) my new Email address, and new location.
I'll stop working at Sensormatic Electronics Corporation through Kelly Temporary Services, on Friday, March 13, 1998. I'll go to the MEPS again on March 25, 1998 and leave for the States on the 26th for additional training.
I arrived to Ft. Gordon, Ga. a few weeks ago. I have been doing a LOT of phisical excercise and studying. I was first assigned to E Co. 447th Sig Bn, but two days ago, was re-assigned to A & Hq Co. 447 Sig Bn, 15 Sig Bde.
I'll be waiting for your mail, I'm getting bored here....
We were moved to another building, but is still the same address. Now I'm just waiting to be sent somewhere to start 'working' for real. One thing that really bothers me here is that I have to hide to be able to smoke. I don't see the logic on this new way of doing things here, 5 years ago, it was not like that, it was better.
It's been a while since I updated this page, so I'll just go ahead and do so now. I've been working at one of the gyms while I wait for some action from the DOD, and it's been ok, could have been worse. I meet a lot of important people here and the work is not hard, as long as I'm responsable-I always am. I have upgraded my computer a couple of times now, so I'm always proud of it.
I have been working on my pages a lot more recently, you can notice that I put backgrounds, more pictures and animations, and I also added music to all my pages; a diferent song for every page. I play a few games on the net too: StarCraft, Dark Reign, C&C: Red Alert. If you want to play with me, or against me, my online names are "Rayden" & "Eyedoll". I hope you like my web page, and sign my guestbook which is on the Main Index page.
I added one more page to my site yesterday; my StarCraft Page. Right now, it has some cool animations, and some maps for StarCraft. Later I will put some music, more maps, and a few utillities. (The utillities are in my "maybe" list). If you are a StarCraft player, you'll like it. If you'd like to see something else here, let me know.
'New' star
I have been in Germany since May 1999. This place would be all right if it wasn't for the weather, it's too cold for me. If you like the weather in NY, you may find Germany a good place to live. I'll soon be updating my web sites and my computer too. I'll keep you informed.
Sword My other picture Sword

This page created by Rayden.