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real name: Hal Emmerich

sex: male

age: 30s

nationality: USA

race: white (Jewish)

height: 177 cm

weight: 62 kg

ArmsTech METAL GEAR Project chief engineer. Wears glasses, and has a friendly nature but he is a weapon development genius. He did not attend school but studied through the Internet and matriculated at MIT. Earned his PHD at an early age. Earned his bachelors and masters degrees at Princeton -- a genius too young. In his college years, he put together a program to solve the year 2000 digit changing problem in computers and drew major attention as the savior of the computer world. Came up with the idea but earned no money from it.

Note: Today's Internet was started among researchers in DARPA for communication purposes in 1969. It is so ironic that Otacon got into college and lost his job as a criminal due to the Internet developed by DARPA and then being involved in this time's DARPA-related incident.

Loves Japanimation (Japanese animation). His nickname "Otacon" comes from the "OTAKU CONVENTION" which is a fan event of Japanese animation held in the US, and of which he is a regular participant.

He joined the METAL GEAR project for his love of robot animation.