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real name: unknown

sex: male

age: 30s

nationality: Mexico

A master of disguise utilizing cutting edge special effects techniques. Worshipped Hollywood and left Mexico to go to the U.S. Formerly a Hollywood actor and SFX artist. Scouted by the CIA for his disguising skills and then joined FOX-HOUND. During his agent days he disguised himself as government VIPs to divert attention to him. This is why he is called Decoy.

Has good command of over 10 languages. Can also change his voice. His disguise goes into the person's habits, his country's traditions and culture, and history. People in this business call him "Mimic." To help his disguise, he has shaved his cheek bones, jaw, and nasal bones. He has also cut off his ears. Without his makeup he looks like no normal person. He has a flexible body, so he can walk in any way, and can also dislocate his joints to go through narrow holes. He has also mastered biofeedback and can freely control his senses of touch (skin). This quality has given him the name of Octopus. To assume the identity of someone else, he takes steroids and changes his physique as well as his metabolism. Sometimes he gets confused himself because he turns into a different person completely. In order to protect himself, every time he disguises as someone, he asks the military for a mental deprogramming.