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The Heart of the Storm

The Heart of the Storm

As You enter the Heart of the Storm

you see a dark figure standing right before you

He lights a lamp and smiles Your scared as you see

whom the figure standing there is

He is only the protector of this realm

He smiles again than nods to his right

You look over and see a walk way to an unknown destination

You fear for your life but have

a fair feeling that it is ok to travel down it with him

As you walk down the path he begins to talk

Hello person unknown to this world of mystery

I hope you find your stay here pleasant

But be forwarned if you take anything without asking it's ruler

than I will be the one to come after you

Than as fast as he was there he is gone

You look franticaly for something

and off in the disstance you see a light, so you travel to it...

welcome to my world