Stop The Oppression Of Pinatas

The Cause of STOOP

STOOP's main objective is to stop all of the buying, selling, raising and killing of pinatas being done in the world today. We will use any means necessary. Already we have sent a nasty letter containing more than one vulgarity to a large pinata raising company. We have totally boycotted all baseball bat companies, the main provider of weapons used for the killing of innocent pinatas. Of course, by not buying baseball bats, we are putting thousands of people out of work, and if successful, will ruin the sport of baseball completely. Now, we spend our days playing cricket, like nerds, instead of that deplorable sport of baseball. We have also boycotted TEQUILA and Mexican jumping beans, two large exports from Mexico, a known supporter of pinata atrocities. These steps will only take us so far. Soon, we may find it necessary to take more violent methods such as burning all Mexican Party books, which demonstrate how to kill a pinata. We will use civil disobedience if that is what is needed. We seek to end the injustices and atrocities aimed at the race of pinata. We will fight for our cause, we will SAVE THE PINATAS!!!!!

[What you can do to help]What you can do to help the cause of STOOP

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STOOP is the brainchild of our imaginative President, and below is the essay written for a creative writing assignment that hurled him into the world of pinata protection.

Imagine this, you have just been sold as a slave to a unknown master, they take you home, tie a string to you and hang you up, then, just because of your color they beat you. This is the fate of the common pinata.

I ask this question, Is the bashing of innocent pinata morally right? Is it right to kill just for entertainment? 'entertainment', this word means death to a pinata. Should one man's joy lead to anther's death. Is this any different from cock fighting, fox hunting or any other sport that kills something just for the shear delight of it.

When someone tries to justify a murder the use basically two lines of argumentation, these are self defense and killing for food. Pinata are never killed in self defense. Have you ever heard of a pinata beating to death a innocent human being? No, pinata never hurt anyone. Pinata are also never killed for food. No one ever eats the flesh of a pinata. They are never killed for meat so hunting is no viable excuse for these violent bashing.

Once we eliminate killing pinata in defense of ones own life and for food, the only other reason must be racism. Just because pinata's have a different color is no reason to bash them. Has humanity sunk so low to kill thousands of pinata's a year just because they are different.

Another serious problem with pinata bashing arises when we looks at the fact that killing poor pinata's is done mainly by kids. Kids are very susceptible to any kind "entertainment" that adults present to them. When we offer a child a violent TV show to watch this often results in aggressive behavior by the child. The same thing applies to pinata. When you consider the implications already stated we are turning our children into mindless pinata bashers. We teach children that it is all right to brutally bludgeon and rip apart a innocent pinata, yet expect them to grow up into law abiding adults.

Albert Einstein once said the "the best educator is experience". When you think about that quote as it pertains to our encouragement of pinata bashing among children, we are truly making a mockery of nonviolence. All we are doing is encouraging violence against people of different races and in a world that is full of murder, full of hate and violence, it is plain to see where all of our problems come from.

Below we analyze the life of a pinata, showing all the cruelties done to them.

Warning: May contain graphic images unsuitable for children

The Roundup

When the pinata ranchers come and gather the pinatas out of their natural habitat, it is truly done in a cruel manner. They chase the pinatas down, mercilessly catching them and simply putting them in burlap sacks. You see it is not hard to catch a pinata. They are not very inflexible and due to their short legs their running speed is very minimal. Pinata's do not need to be able to run fast. They are simple animals, grazing on the candy found laying on the ground in their home, Pinataland. The pinatas are then forced to lie in the sacks until the ranchers arrive at the pinata holding pens. During the transport, often, many pinatas are unable to handle the stress and often die. Some suffocate due to the inhalation of their crept paper skin. The trip is very brutal. These ranchers have no feeling whatsoever. Often, families of pinata's will be separated during these roundups. To say the least, this beginning to the pinatas being oppressed is terrible.


Once the pinatas have been gathered from the wild, they are taken to huge farms where they are kept until they are deemed by the Killing Committee as fat enough to sell. The pinatas are kept in very small cages. They are never given enough room to even come close to comfort. They can never romp and play in their cages as they were used to doing in the wild. The pinatas are fed a lot of food, although. The faster they can be fattened up the faster they can be sold and the more money there is to make. They are stuffed and stuffed and every day they grow fatter and fatter. They are not given room to move because moving takes energy, thus wasting food. During this time of captivity, pinata's are depinataized( much like a human would be dehumanized). They cease to communicate with the other pinatas, they don't even move. They soon realize that to move is impossible, and give up even trying. This explains the fact that when you buy a live pinata, they never make any noise or move. During their cruel captivity, they simply forgot how.

A speechless, captivated pinata being raised for the slaughter.

The Actual Murder

Once deemed fat enough by the Killing Committee, the pinatas are sold to stores, who, in turn, sell them to their cruel customers. Pinatas are taken, unsuspectingly, to someone’s home. Amid laughing and jeering, amid the frivolity of a party, they are strung up on a rope. They are playfully swung back and forth, as children try to kill them. They are swung at with bats, and, finally, are hit. The problem with this deplorable tradition is that the pinatas are killed by people with blindfolds on. Often, the kill is not clean, and only a small part of the pinata's anatomy is bashed off. This results in sever pain on the part of the pinata. It is simply strung back up and swung at some more, until it finally dies, writhing on the floor in bitter agony as children run around and play in its entrails.

A murdered pinata (sniff, sniff) The murder weapon

The Pinata Liberation Organizations Mission 1

The Pinata Liberation Organizations Mission 1

Click here to see STOOP’s new project, Hot Dog A Thon

Click here to see another of STOOP’s projects, Operation :Bust Buster

Click here to see yet another STOOP project, The Home For Battered Pinatas

Here are some non-STOOP related sites. They do good, so, as sister organizations, STOOP recognizes and allows them to link to this hallowed page.

Unassociated with STOOP-- MAM. Males against Midrifts. Someone has to stand agaisnt the vile, dirty, and tan midrift.


A completely unrelated project of a sister organisation. It is NROP. Go ahead, see what it is, you know you want to

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All text and some images Copyrighted © 1999-2000 (notice Y2K compatibility) Jeff Hoopes, all other images were taken from other sources, including 2(two)(Dose)(II) from Eric Fikus, that, are of course Copywrited © Eric Fikus, 1963, 1969, 1978, 1985, 1991, 1999. If you wish me to remove an image because it belongs to you, e-mail me and I will. Remember that this was all done in jest so do not be offended by any seemingly inappropriate postings of pictures or anything said. You may not reproduce this page in any form unless you agree with the above and vow to *help* the cause of STOOP. Actually, I lied, take anything you want. Just remember, if I find it, I will want it back. I stole others pictures with only that promise, and if you promise me the same have anything you want.