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THE 2002 Annual Conference of the New Zealand Tree Crops Association is being held in WANGANUI over Easter 2002.

AN estimated 150-200 registrations are expected from the 2000 members of the Association.

ANNUAL conferences are attended by members from all parts of New Zealand.

ALL members have a common interest in developing tree crops. The development of special product groups, initially within the Association, has led to the development of commercial orchards of walnuts, chestnuts, hazelnuts and macadamia nuts. These have arisen out of initiatives and trials promoted by the New Zealand Tree Crops Association.

CURRENT trials include Olive varieties, Plums, Hazelnuts, Figs and Gevuina nuts.

BEYOND the formal trials members’ interests include a diverse range of temperate and subtropical fruit, nuts and specialty timbers.

THE Association’s strength lies in the cooperation fostered between members and the sharing of knowledge and ideas through publications, field days and conferences.

IT IS against this background that conferences are planned.



The Wanganui Conference will include:-

FOUR full-day field trips from which members select two. These will include organic production, permaculture, the growing of olives, apricots, walnuts, figs, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, nashi, cycads and lavender, the nursery production of fruit and nut trees and the preservation of heritage fruit varieties.

SEMINARS covering all of the above topics at which members with particular interests will meet under the leadership of a nationally acknowledged convenor to exchange information and experiences in their particular fields.

PLENARY sessions

AN Auction of rare or hard to find plants and trees.

A SESSION exploring new or unusual uses for fruit and nuts.


TREE Crop Association members come from all walks of life, from urban dwellers with an interest in horticulture to fulltime farmers developing interests in alternative or more intensive forms of land use.

A TYPICAL tree cropper, if such a person exists, owns a block of land usually smaller than a conventional livestock or cropping farm and is developing more intensive land use based around the production of fruit, nuts or specialty timbers. Tree croppers are innovative and always searching for new crops or varieties, new methods of growing or better ways of processing or marketing what they produce.

THEY ARE are in the market for plants, trees, growing materials, building, fencing, shelter and water supply materials and packaging and professional services ranging from irrigation to laboratory analysis. They are your existing or potential customers.


THE formal opening of the conference is at 4.30pm on Good Friday 29 March 2002.

THE Annual General Meeting of the New Zealand Tree Crops Association follows.

THE AGM is followed by a light buffet style meal and a social gathering that will include tasting sessions for new or unusual products made from fruit and nuts.

FIELD Trips occupy both Easter Saturday and Easter Sunday until 5.00pm when time has been scheduled for meetings of special interest groups.

MEMBERS select two field trips from the four that have been arranged.-

1. The Wanganui River Road Trip visits avocado, nashi and macadamia orchards, a herbs and craft honey venture and an old homestead and orchard accessible only by flying fox or jet boat.

2. The Manawatu Trip visits Harrisons Nursery at Aokautere, the Koanga heritage plant stock, walnuts selected as part of the original ‘Great Walnut Hunt’ in the 1970s, the Central Districts hazelnut trial and poplar research and shelter belt design at Hort Research.

3. The Kai Iwi Trip visits a producing olive grove, an organic property, Bushy Park and a well-established fruit and nut orchard.

4. The Fordell Trip visits a developing permaculture property, an extensive collection of cycads and other dry climate species and a developing arboretum and a nursery which specialises in roses but which also contains an interesting collection of crab apple varieties.

SPECIAL interest group meetings identified at this stage include plums, olives, hazelnuts, organics, specialty timber trees, figs, feijoas, chestnuts, walnuts, pest control in tree crops and mixing trees and livestock.

THE formal conference dinner commences at 6.00pm on Sunday evening and is followed at 8.00pm by a 'limited lots quick fire' auction of rare or hard to find plants and trees. The dinner will include a range of fruit wines specially prepared for the event. These will be introduced by the Winemaker.

Registration Forms will be available from late July 2001. All registration enquiries to:

Maurice Dellow
PO Box 34
Otaki Railway

Telephone (06) 364-7144
Contact email: Maurice Dellow
