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Here is us in 1999! Ohh a very long time ago!

Emma and Lauren

Lauren and Sarah's Home Group. Here we have Lauren at the very top. Then from L-R: Sarah, Pip, Lauren G, Bec, Sarah Bu and at the front is Karl.

L-R:Sarah, Miss Ewart (our home group teacher), Lauren & Bec

Lauren and Sarah's sister Laura being scary police officers in our school's musical 'Godspell'!

Laura, Miss Ewart, Lauren, Aime & Emma

Kira, Lauren, Sarah & Amanda

(Clockwise): Shane, Sam (The guys pants we got into), Shyamal, Sarah & Lauren

Starting left, from the back (going clock wise) This is Lisa, Louise, Sarah, Julie, Amanda, Pip, Lauren, Kathy, Olivia and Erin

Erin and Bianca the porn stars!

(L-R)Angie, Kira, Erin, Olivia, Pip, Lauren, Louise.

Lauren, Erin (in the middle) and Kira!

(L-R)-Hayley, Erin, Lousie, Leanne and Sarah (at the front).

Louise being sexy!!!

Picture Page #2
