South Korea has a rich history of in-your-face student and street politics. This was one demonstration I saw on May 1 2003 -- plenty of colorful flags and banners in the Asian style, flying in the beautiful spring sunshine.

Myndir frá Islands
Myndir frá Islands

Seljalandsfoss, A Waterfall in Iceland
Photos from Iceland, centered on the beautiful and astounding Seljalandsfoss Waterfall in the Skogar/Thorsmork area of South Iceland

Sydney Opera House
Sydney Opera House, Sydney, Australia

Ginseng -- The Wonder Drug of the East
Ginseng -- The Wonder Drug

South Korea in the Spring!
Photos of South Korea, its temples and neon signs and colourful anti-globalisation protests!

Stakkholtsgja, A Beautiful River Valley in Iceland
Photos from Iceland, centered on the beautiful and astounding Stakkholtsgja Valley in the Skoga/Thorsmork area of South Iceland



[may day]
seoul korea 2003

copyright rob sullivan 1996-2003 and beyond!