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Am/Fin/Sw Champion Castell Evil Intentions PHC

American/Finnish/Swedish Champion
Castell Evil Intentions

(Am/Can Ch. Castell Killin'Time X Kimgin Driving Miss Daisy)


22May1997 - 19Oct2010

Satan has returned home to Idaho and looks forward to resuming his herding career with Judy Garbarino, Caldwell, Idaho!
We want to thank Sari Karki (Kennel Sacaron) and Katju Karvonen (Kennel Puksipuun) for their excellent care and handling of Satan while he was with them. Also, the judges that recognized his quality - every show but one he was given an "Excellent" rating! As well, Satan left them some nice puppies to play with in the future. We're very proud of our boy and are happy to have him back home.
This Texas son is full of vim and vigor and has been channeling his energy in the herding arena with Judy Garbarino, Caldwell, Idaho.

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