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I try not to think of the future as it comes soon enough.

Welcome to all those taking a peak at what is happening in my life over the next year.

I will be trying to keep a diary up to date every so often to let you know what stories and adventures may have taken place on my travels.

I will be travelling with a guy by the name of Mick Carroll who goes by the name MC.  So when I refer to MC in my diary writings you guessed it, its him.  I will also be spending some time with Tim Hawes another mature male adult.

What will be taking place in these diarys?

Hopefully there will be plenty of gossip for all those interested in a good yarn.  I'm sure it will be a good combunation of full, part and no-truth at all Aussie story telling.

A friend siggested I write some poetry while away so if I feel up to it I might even try my hand at that.  For those that know me you'll understand that this indeed will be no mean feat.

Navigate yourselves around the pages with the links on each page and feel free to drop me a e:mail to say g'day.

Parting is such sweet sorrow my friends but alas I am off for now and I'm singing a song as I write as quoted uderneath the plane on my second page, blairys intinery.

I take each day as it comes. Then once its come, I put that day in my bag and wait for the next"

Brett Blair


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