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Site Created by 'Sandy'!


Breathing fire is one of Gabe and Claudes favorite things to do. People are amazed when fire appears from his nostrils. So what is a dragon without fire??? A dragon with a belly ache!! Gabe first installed the copper tubing inside the belly of the dragon and then ran it to his nostrils. Then he installed a rubber hose in his neck so his head was able to move. All of the tubing is connected to a propane tank that is hidden in his belly! When Gabe light him in front of a crowd.....he starts with a little flame and moves his head up and down and sideways....when people think that thats all there is to it....Gabe opens up the valve all the way and the flame shoots out with a roaring fire noise..and thats when the audience is just in awe and they can not believe what they are seeing!! The fire coming out his nostrils and his head moving every which way and his jaws slamming together, make it a very unique experience to enjoy. Gabe has a pre-determined fire distance set so no mistakes can happen. He can shoot fire from 2 inches to 6 feet!! If there is a little rain, Gabe can keep the fire on for 20 to 30 minutes!!! At night the flame just light up his whole body and is indeed a light show!

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Site Created by 'Sandy'!