Tenchi fanfiction

I choose Aeka**FINISHED**one of my parralell fics.

I choose Ryoko **UNFINISHED**

Which do I chooseTenchi thinks about his choice.

I choose RyokoTenchi makes the right choice.

AtearlanTenchi and Ryoko's new home

Wedding Bellscan you gues who's gettin hiched

AnouncementJust read it please.

Wings of the Light Hawk**FINISHED**

Prolouge:Washu remembers her past.

Part 1:Ayeka makes a big mistake.

Part 2:Oshra attacks.

Part 3:Tsunami verses Tokimi.

Part 4:Then end of the battle with Tokimi

Epilouge:Shadows of the future.

So tell me what you think of my story's use the boardroom below.

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