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Advanced Door Specialist
"Serving Southeastern Idaho."
We service most major manufacturers including...

Tired of getting the "run around"?
We are proud to introduce a NEW door company in the Idaho Falls and surrounding areas. We are fully insured and registered with the state of Idaho in order to bring you the best quality service at a reasonable price.
A lot of businesses get away with not being compliant by "grandfather" clausing.
The fact is, that if a building is being re-modeled or anything requiring a building permit voids a grandfather clause and means that construction must be inspected and up to code.
At an ADA convention in Las Vegas in 1999, the rumor was," that the states that are not compliant yet, had better get compliant!".

Reasoning behind the ADA...
Safety for everyone including, children, elderly adults and people with disabilities. (Handicapped people want to do normal every day tasks without the assistance of someone coming to open a door for them by ringing a bell.)
If a door cycles shut on a person, they are going to get hurt.
Most automatic door operators can generate tremendous torque, opening and closing force. Without properly installed and maintained motion, safety and rail beams, an accident is ready to happen.

Mechanically sound...
The electronics work together with mechanics in a electrically operated door system. If rollers, pivots, belts, drive gears are out of adjustment or worn out, it can confuse the electronics and eventually break the more expensive parts or possibly causing a door to fall off, jump track or not function at all. Estimates and inspections are FREE, so the next time you have door problems, please give us a call.
You've tried the rest, now try the BEST!
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