Warhammer Fantasy roleplaying game has definately the vastest and the deepest Gamingworld in my knowledge (And my knowledge in this field is rather large).
I will be upgrading this page rather frequently so youd better visit this site often if ye wanna get the best advices on how to make Warhammer RPG every bit as good as it deserves to be...
Here are some interesting rule-changes I have come up this far:"Natural" weaponsThem cumbersome weapons...
- Humies and other such "civilized" races dont tend to claw or bite their enemies when harassed, but orcs and skaven for example are more adept on such feral forms of attack. So I think that when them nasty, more feral critters attack without weapons, they only gain a deduction of -10 or -5 to their WS.
One thing we have found really disturbing in our games... Them horses just cant carry us mean and not so lean characters...
- The weapons with an I deduction are considered to be slow and cumbersome to wield... One should have an option to slash around with them not getting so slowed by them... (Example: A minotaur that will slice and dice you in half before you can get that finishing blow in.) So I'd recommend that a person should have a chance of striking with a full I deduction transfered to a WS deduction. ((Ex. A dwarf with I of 25 armed with an 2-handed axe => I 5, If he wishes to hit faster (earlier) he could take all the I minus and turn it in to a WS minus => I 25 WS -20.))
- Another way could be to let the players to trade only half of their I deduction for a full minus on WS (I -20=> I -10, WS -20).
First the blows to the head... They seem always to be so gentle... So I would like to suggest the following solutions:
- We havent really gotten any real good ideas on how to handle with it... it would seem that the player characters can get way too heavy when S and T are rounding up... So if ye have a good solution to this harsh problem please email me.
Then there are the Bastard swords... A bit too lightweighted for the full power of a two-handed sword.
- A stun. Count all hits to the head as also stunning (The victim gets the damage and the stun).
- Extra damage. Add some damage to the blow (+1,+2) or if you truly want to kill everyone why not just double the damage the dice came up with (not really suggested).
And then about the "Strike mighty blow"-skill.
- I would recommend the following changes: When you wield a bastard sword onehanded you get the normal -10 to I and +1 to the D, But when you wield it two-handed just remove the -10 to the I and keep the +1 D.
Wood elves... Masters with a bow... Right....
- If you are using "Apocrypha now" with its fumble-rules Id recommend that when you use the skill and throw same numbers (99,33,11) Then it is a screwup as with fireweapons... It reflects the strenght being used and the carelesness that the hitter is using. Or if you think that this method is a bit radical you could just take the second-worst fumble in count (For excample: WS 30 and throws 22, a fumble, but 11 is not).
- Other option might be to lose a dodge or a parry when using the skill...
Speedmagic... there is no such thing...
- I think that the Wood elf players should have a greater BS than the rest of the races so Id recommend A BS of 2D10+30... this makes sure that they know how to handle a bow.
- I have heard some comments on elves getting a bit too heavyduty compared to other races, but I think that this should be the case, and if your players are using elves just because they are so mean, then I think that the problem is with your players... not the elves.
Alcohol... the dangers and the goodies...
- Id suggest a -10 I for each level of the spell cast... also a +10/+5 for every level of the mage would be nice... (FE: an 3rd level mage casts a 2nd level spell and he/she/whatever gets a +10 I so heshewhatever would be faster than an 4th level mage who is firing a 4th level spell and not gaining any bonuses...) (this rule is only on a preliminary stage so give me feedback on it...).
Skill learning...
- Here is what I think works best with beverages (Rules are absent in the mainbook), A character can drink up to his/hers T worth of pints of beer (Or the equivalent), and after that each pint reduces all percentile characteristics by 5% except for Cl wich you raise by 5% for every pint, and for every third pint after your T, you lose 1 from your move characteristic ((Not as much real slowing down as the inability to run straight...)).
Then there is this nice substance called warpstone... so much hassle and no good rules for it...
- When ever you try to learn a new skill without it being in your career you do it like is said in the Apocrypha Now book. I myself find those rules good but invalid... I'd say that when you try to learn a skill you dont just throw against your Int like the rule says but you should take the throw against the combination of your Int and the characteristic that the skill will use... ((Example: Skill SW:Two handed weapons is being learned and the student has a WS 50 and Int 30, so he/she would throw the dice against 40)).
Undead and their kin... We all know and dislike those nasty splattermovies where blood and guts are thrown high in the air from zombies and stuff, right? Well... if ye wish to do that in WFRP, or ye just want to give those mean players a real scare, then try this...
- We handle warpstone very much like Insanity... just divide the insanity-points part of your character sheet to give space for "Warpinfection" or something that clever. Then, when a character gets messed up with warpstone, he/she should take a T test to see if the Warpstone affects him/her. If he/she fails, then he/she will gain some points just like with insanity ((I'd recommend 1-3 or so... Otherwise it will be too deadly...)). When a Character has six WI points, he/she must make a T test to see if something bad happens ((Work it out exactly like Insanity)). When he/she fails the test with an appropriate mutation or such... nothing major though... Maybe just a very slight drop in one of his/hers characteristics or something like that... we usually just wing it out.
- First you take a Zombie or a similar really dead... well undead. Then when the players are hacking that poor bugger to pulp, ye decide to take on the Critical hit-chart ((Thats if ye usually dont use that on such minor threats)), and as the players are hacking the poor beast, ye start to ignore some of the hits.. like for example if the zombie or similar loses an eye... does it care? Hell no! It will just be more hellbent on chewing on them! That is guarateed to give them a real scare and it is even more realistic that way.... only the criticals that practically will maim the beastie are counted... that way they will really have to hack it to pieces... ((Guaranteed for hours of fun and joy...))
Here are some other Warhammer RPG related things that I am WORKING on
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Email: opressive@hotmail.com