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(Jim & Jason's)

Race Results

Put results here 2000 Racing Results:

Track:Amago Raceway


Rained Out

Track:Streets of Willow


*After all day during Saturday's practice and through Sunday's raceday our stock bike didn't have power in the top end. We changed out the carb.,reeds, various other parts. We even pulled the head off to see if something was bad internally. Nothing was found until the week after while cleaning the exhaust pipe. It needed cleaning really bad. Jason was able to borrow a fellow racer/friend's bike (Thanks Erik). But I was stuck trying to get our bike fixed.*

Amatuer Modified: 1. Richy Headley; 2. Ken Gill; 3. Ed Simon; 4. David Leask; 5. Mike Kelly; 6. Gabriel Suarez; 7. Brett Falcigno; 8. Jim Takamoto; 9. Francis Roco; 10. John Cagle; 11. Kathy Reilly; 12. Peer Ebbighausen; 13. Tony Guevara; 14. Thom Boswell; 15. Derek Gill; 16. Chad Nankervis.

Amatuer Stock: 1. Richy Headley; 2. Nicolas Nocker; 3. Andy Lenz; 4. Chris Campos; 5. Tomo Kobayashi; 6. Francis Roco; 7. Dan Gladden; 8. Jeff Russell; 9. John Cagle; 10. Erik Orre; 11. Tony Guevara; 12. Peer Ebbighausen; 13. Ed Simon; 14. Nick Teirno; 15. Thom Boswell; 16. Kathy Reilly; 17. Yoshi Kanayama; 18. Juan Pablo Friz; 19. Randy Swart; 20. Chad Nankervis; 21. Jim Takamoto.

Expert Modified:1. Rolando Quintero; 2. Tommy Crawford; 3. Jason Perez; 4. Jason Takamoto; 5. Leonard Mellgren; 6. Frank Rodriguez.

Expert Stock:1. Jason Perez; 2. Jason Takamoto; 3. Leonard Mellgren; 4. Bert Silos; 5. Larry Weisberg; 6. Frank Rodriguez; 7. Quentin Wilson.

Vets: 1. Larry Weisberg; 2. Andy Lenz; 3. Jason Takamoto; 4. Frank Rodriguez; 5. Leonard Mellgren; 6. Jeff Russell; 7. Thom Boswell; 8. Nicolas Nocker; 9. Alan Mortenson; 10. Tomo Kobayashi; 11. Erik Orre; 12. Yoshi Kanayama.



*During the second heat of Jason's Vet's race he had a racer in front of him kick up some dirt onto the track (accidently) right in front of him resulting in him crashing. This broke the left handlebar, clutch perch and clutch lever. We fixed it all but didn't realize until I went on the track that a body mount was bent which resulted in everytime I used the brakes it made the front end bind up and want to throw me off the bike so I decided not to start the second heat of my stock race and take a DNS.*

Amatuer Modified: 1. Ed Simon; 2. Ken Gill; 3. Mike Kelly; 4. Derek Gill; 5. Richy Headley; 6. Jim Takamoto; 7. Erik Orre; 8. David Leask; 9. Chad Nankervis; 10. Gabriel Suarez; 11. Buck Smith.

Amatuer Stock: 1. Richy Headey; 2. Francis Roco; 3. Chris Campos; 4. Amanda Wollny: 5. Jeff Russell; 6. Nicolas Nocker; 7. Shane Weeks; 8. Dan Gladden; 9. Buck Smith; 10. Erik Orre; 11. Chad Nankervis; 12. Jim Takamoto; 13. Thom Boswell.

Expert Modified:1. Rolando Quintero; 2. Jason Perez; 3. Wes Totsubo; 4. Jason Takamoto; 5. Leonard Mellgren; 6. Ben Morse; 7. Frank Rodriguez; 8. Rick Lasch.

Expert Stock:1. Jason Perez; 2. Vince Evans; 3. Leonard Mellgren; 4. Bert Silos;5. Larry Weisberg; 6. Jason Takamoto; 7. Greg Groce; 8. Frank Rodriguez; 9. Phil Herrin; 10. Tim Dunn; 11. Rick Lasch; 12. Richard Johnson.

Vets: 1. Wes Totsubo; 2. Leonard Mellgren; 3. Bert Silos; 4. Larry Weisberg; 5. Greg Groce; 6. Francis Roco; 7. Chris Campos; 8. Jeff Russell; 9. Nicolas Nocker; 10. Jason Takamoto; 11. Frank Rodriguez; 12. Alan Mortenson; 13. Erik Orre; 14. Rick Lasch; 15. Thom Boswell; 16. Paul Herrin.

To see previous 1999 race results.

2000 Race Schedule

Jan.09,2000 - Adams Kart Track

Feb.5-6,2000 - Streets of Willow

Mar.05,2000 - Amago Raceway

Apr.1-2,2000 - Willow Kart Track

May.07,2000 - Adams Kart Track

Jun.3-4,2000 - Streets of Willow

Jul.02,2000 - Amago Raceway

Aug.5-6,2000 - Willow Kart Track

Sep.10,2000 - Adams Kart Track

Oct.7-8,2000 - Streets of Willow

Nov.05,2000 - Amago Raceway

Dec.2-3,2000 - Willow Kart Track

Other Racer4YSR sites to check out
Racer4YSR's Home Page...Back to Jim's home page
A-Tak Force Racing Team...Our 6 time championship racing team
Racer4YSR's Picture Page...Various pictures of me racing
Racer4YSR's Bike Specs...Specs on our bikes
Racer4YSR's Links...A few motorcycle links
Bro's/Team mate Home Page...Jason's home page
Bro's/Team mate Racing Page...Jason's Racing page
Racer4YSR's 2000 C.M.R.R.A. Rule Book...2000 C.M.R.R.A. Rule Book
The Right Line...South West Association of Road Racing Teams
Kamikazi Cole's YSR Page...YSR racer from Las Vegas
MiniMoto Madness...Pocketbikes & YSR's. Parts, Service, New & Used bikes for sale.

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Created on Jan.12,1999

Last updated on Mar.18,2000

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