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At long last, Griffonsoil has been rebuilt! We shall now rebuild in celebration, for in rebuilding the stones of the city, we rebuild the memories of those that lost thier lives in the war.

The Griffonsoil News Stand for 7/29/00:
More updates, but they're not up for viewing yet...Im adding an 'Upgrades' section for Weapons and Armor, which will only really have a bearing on the SLRPs. (Slurp!) On a different note, school is only 20-some days away...NOOOOooooooooo!!!!! ^_~;;

A Brief History of Griffonsoil

The First Griffonsoil:

Roughly 10,000 years ago, a tribe of nomadic elves (which was a rare thing, even in those days) came into existence. They weren't well equiped, but the land they were living in had been taken over by a horde of Goblins and Orcs, so they had to leave the land which they had called home for so long. Since they had had no time to take food, medical supplies or weapons, they ran from the city which was being looted by the horde as they went. They needed to find a good, suitable place to call thier new home before they all died out. One of the elves in the group carried an enscribed longsword which always glowed red out of it's sheath. That elf's first name has been lost to the swirling mists of history, but his last name was Longbow.
About 3 years (and a few elves) later, the party came across a fertile land that seemed perfect for a new city to be built. It was between two rivers that flowed down from a high, snowcapped moutain range and nestled in gorgeous lands that were perect for growing crops. After they had rested, they set about putting what few knives hey had to good use. Some fashioned spears out of long branches, while others made makeshift bows. They were poor in quality, but they kept them well fed. And soon, the band was strong enough to build the city.
It started out as all cities did. They pitched tents around the best place to camp, and it evolved from there. When they could, they carried rocks from a naturally made quarry back to the camp and began to make walls for houses, sealed togeather by mud. These houses got bigger and more elaborate, and the group's population crept up and up. Soon, all the tents were replaced by stone houses. There was a cooler in each house that was placed in the basement, and kept cool by the earth and from brining ice down from the mountains.
Years later, the population was around 3,000. There was a constant influx of gems, stone, and weapons, as well as food and timber. Yet somehow, the elves always kept the balance between the city and nature perfectly in check. A wall had been built around the city, and immigrents had started comming in as well.
100 years pass, and the population had exploded to an astounding 2,000,000 elves. And still, nature and city were in perfect check. The city had an army and a circle of mages, which were at one point the best on the continent. The mages had Elemental Stones- one for each mage, and one for each element. So all in all, there were 10 Mages and 10 Stones. The city had also aquaired some Dragon eggs and was waiting for them to hatch, but since they were newly laid at the time of being found, it would be awhile before they did.


Hundreds of years passed, and nothing happened to the city except the growth of the city's size, population, army, and Magic power. It had about 9 walls to it's name, and it had a larger populence that five New York Cities. Rumors had been rising about a huge army of Tiamat that was forming on the borderlands. It apeared that the Goblins that had destroyed the first elvin city had been under her power, and she had tracked them down. The entire city prepared for war...
To make a very long story short, Griffonsoil put up a good fight but still couldn't stand up to the hordes of Tiamat's forces. Deric aquaired the Dragonfire Sword from his dieing father, and left shortly after the city was razed and burnt to the ground. Waving a final goodbye, Deric, with sword in sheath, turned his back on the ruins he had called home and set out into the forest...