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Woman of the Forest

Hi! This site is constantly under construction, but hopefully, I'll have it workable soon.
Everything that I have linked should work alright, but we'll see.

Here's a speech I gave in my Speech 305 (Argumentation and Debate) course on Feb 2, 2004 about the addictiveness of Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games.
The Full Text
Just the Outline of the Speech

And here's my start of a bio, it's not much, but it's better than nothing.
A Very Little Bit About Me

And, here's my blog... yes I have a blog now, thanks to a few select people who thought it would be necessary for me to make one. I hope you're happy. ;)
DiSoRdErEd InTeLlEcT
Also, my schedule for Spring 2004

These are some of my favorite characters that I used to play on a now-defunct MUD, Eternal Visions.

Mita Shrestha
Vryx - Black Widow of Deceit
Dagonet the Dwarf
Saraflin Eduralon
Julienne D'Asriel - The Nurturer
Guenivere Raenblade - Wind of the Shadows