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 Walt Disney World


~ A site completely devoted to my love of Walt Disney World ~

șoș Tim, Kaleb, Hunter, "The Big Cheese" Mickey Mouse, and me (Amy) șoș

 șoș November, 2003 șoș


Before entering this site, let me say a few things.

This site is my personal site for sharing my pictures and experiences from Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL.  It is BY FAR my most favorite place on Earth.  I could easily say that I would love to go at least once a month, but since the trips are limited now, it makes it that much more magical.

Right now, I only have...

(and the time isn't passing quickly enough!)

The last time we were there was for 2 weeks in November of 2002.  That is the longest time I have ever spent in Disney World, and truthfully, it may have been too long.  Not for us, but for our kids - they were exhausted.  We tried to do too much too fast, and the only thing I can say now is that we learned from that!

This time, Tim and I are going without the kids.  We're going for 6 days in May of 2003.  We are staying at the All-Star Music resort and looking forward to it.  This will be the first "vacation" we have taken together.  It's been 3 years, and it's about time!


In November, 2002, we LITERALLY took 36 rolls of film.  We came back with 31 of them FULL!!!  Obviously, I do not have the time (or the space on the site) to put all the pictures up, so I'm including my favorite ones.  This time, we have a video camera and a digital camera, so hopefully we'll be putting some videos on from our May trip!

~ click below to see photos ~



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